chapter 13 Flashcards
refers to the removal of a tooth
tooth is lying in the horizontal position, with its crown adjacent to another tooth
Horizontal impaction
tooth is lying in the horizontal position, with its side adjacent to another tooth
Transverse impaction
tooth is in an upright position, under or too close to an adjacent tooth
Vertical impaction
tooth is lying on an angle, with its crown facing toward its distal surface
Distoangular impaction
tooth is lying on an angle, with its crown facing toward its mesial surface
Mesioangular impaction
2 or more teeth are being extracted
multiple extraction
When all remaining teeth are removed
full mouth extraction
When a prosthetic appliance will be worn following dental extraction, the alveolar bone crests (tooth sockets) must be re-contoured and smoothed down to prepare for the appliance. This procedure is called
blood clot in the tooth’s socket disintegrates resulting in inflammation, infection and pain. This condition is commonly called ‘dry socket”
pain that is caused by alveolitis
removal of a portion of the gingiva
reshaping and re-contouring repair of the gingivae
surgical repair of the lip
suturing of the lip
surgical cutting into the lip
surgical removal of the frenum
surgical removal of the uvula
cutting into and removing infected abscess material
Incision & Drainage (I&D
removing abnormal tissue for microscopic specimen examination. There are 3 main categories
removing a small section of abnormal tissue together with some nearby normal tissue
Incision biopsy
removing the entire abnormal tissue together with minimal normal tissue
Excision biopsy
scaling or scraping the abnormal tissue to obtain the specimen
Exfoliative biopsy
involve repair of a bone
removal of portions of the alveolar bone, to shape and contour
removal of a tooth’s apex from the bone
excision into the apical surface of the tooth
repair of a fracture (break) of the mandible or maxilla. The procedure is completed without cutting into or ‘opening’ any structures. An example would be ‘tooth wiring’
Closed reduction
repair of broken mandible or maxilla, involving incision into the tissues and bone. An example would be ‘bone plate’ (metal plate inserted into the bone)
Open reduction
___________ surgeon performs reductions
similar to non-cutting pliers. Serrated tips are used to grasp and hold teeth for extraction
surgical knife used to excise (cut) tissue
thick heavy file to grind and smooth bone
Bone file
loosens, raises, and removes teeth for easier grasp with forceps. The 3 main types are:
loosens the periosteum from the alveolar bone
Periosteal elevator
raises tooth root from the socket
Exolever elevator
raises and removes fractured root tips
Apical elevator Also called root tip elevator
clamps arteries, to arrest blood flow. Used also to grasp structures and materials
short-tipped instrument used to grasp needles when suturing
Needle driver
various shapes and sizes to cut oral tissues, bandaging materials, sutures
unique in that the blade inserted under the suture has a rounded curve, for easier access and suture cutting.
suture removal scissor
strong forcep-like instrument with spring mechanism, for nipping away bone
sharp beveled instrument in various sizes to split and cut dentin, enamel and bone
hammer-like tool that may be used to pound on the chisel, to increase its function
sharp-edged ‘scoop’ inserted into the socket or surgical site to scrape out abnormal tissues or debris
various sizes and shapes, for drawing back and holding aside structures, to improve field visibility
rotary tool in various sizes, used to remove bone or expose root tips
Surgical bur
- Removal of two teeth in one visit is called a ____
a) multiple extraction
b) packed extraction
c) diploextraction
d) semiextraction
Why is a biopsy performed?
a) repair soft tissue
b) recontour abnormal tissue
c) remove infected gingivae
d) further examine a tissue specimen
- What is a labiomentoplasty?
a) repair of the lip and chin
b) bleeding from the mouth and tongue
c) removal of lip ligament
d) repair of the tongue and gums
- What do the letters “I and D” refer to?
a) Impaction and Dislocation
b) Identification and Diagnosis
c) Incision and Drainage
d) Illumination of Dentin
Another term for labioplasty might be ____
a) cheiloplasty
b) labioscopy
c) frenuplasty
d) gingivotomy
The elevator ____
a) cuts the tooth
b) packs the tooth
c) luxates the tooth
d) recontours the tooth
Following surgery, the patient with megalgia ____
a) is still bleeding
b) has reddened gums
c) has facial paralysis
d) is in severe pain
The term malignant refers to ____
a) cancer cells
b) benign cells
c) non-cancer cells
d) all specimen cells
The excision biopsy ____
a) removes some abnormal tissue
b) removes all abnormal tissue
c) is only performed with malignant cells
d) is only performed with benign cells
To expose root tips, the professional might use ____
a) a mallet
b) a retractor
c) a surgical bur
d) a chisel
The curette ____
a) stops bleeding
b) is a scoop-shaped instrument
c) has a spring mechanism
d) is serrated to grasp materials
How is the exfoliative biopsy achieved?
a) by repairing the tissue
b) by clamping the tissue
c) by scraping the tissue
d) by suturing the tissue
What procedure is required when performing an open reduction of the lower jaw?
a) mandibulotomy
b) mandibulectomy
c) mandibulomegaly
d) mandibulopathy
Understanding its word structure, we know that the hemostat ____
a) stops bleeding
b) cuts bone
c) is a white clamp
d) is a small scope
Which instrument improves visibility by holding aside structures that may be obstructing the view? _________________________
Excising a small section of abnormal tissue is called an ___________
The non-erupted tooth with its crown adjacent to another tooth is a ____________________ impaction
What instrument is used to nip away at bone? ________________________
What surgical procedure shapes a tooth socket, following dental extraction?
The impacted tooth in an upright position, under another tooth is a ____________________ impaction
What term refers to the dental practice that focuses on the removal of teeth? __________________________
What term means to inflammation of the tooth socket? __________________