Chapter 16: Treament Of Psychological Disorders Flashcards
Reasons people fail to get treatment
1) they may not realize they have a treated mental disorder
2) there may be barriers to treatments, such a beliefs stopping them
3) structural barriers prevent people some physically getting help
Involves talking
Must be licensed
Helps with sleep disorders
Assessed and treats mental disorders
Prescribe medication
Biological treatment
Using drugs, surgery
Psychological treatment
Interact with a clinician
Interaction between someone with a psych problem and a clinician
Eclectic psychotherapy
A type of psychotherapy that draws on techniques from different forms of therapy
Psychodynamic therapy
Explores childhood events encourage individuals to use this to develop insight in therapy
Classic sit down and tell me your feelings
Free association
Client reports every thought that enters mind without censorship or filtering
Dream analysis
Treat dreams as metaphors and symbols towards unconscious conflicts or wishes
Therapist deciphers the meaning underlying what the client says and does
Is a reluctance to cooperate with treatment for fear of confronting unpleasant material
Patient doesn’t agree with therapists ideas
Analyst begins to assume a major significance in clients life and client reacts to the analyst based on unconscious childhood fantasies
Person centered therapy
Individuals have a tendency towards growth and it’s growth can be facilitated by acceptance and genuine reactions from therapist
Openness and honesty between client and therapist
Continuous process of trying to understand the client by getting inside his or her way of thinking feeling and understand in the world
Positive regard
Providing a non-judge mental warm and except environment in which the client can safely express his or her thoughts and feelings
Behaviour therapy
Assumes that disordered behaviour is learned in that symptom relief is achieved through changing overt maladaptive behaviours into more constructive behaviours
Token economy
Clients are given tokens for desired behaviours which they can use later for rewards
Exposure therapy
Confronting an emotion arousing stimulus directly and repeadingly, leading to decrease emotion response
Cognitive theapy
Focus on helping a client identify and correct any distorted thinking
Cognitive restructuring
Make clients question the automatic beliefs, assumptions, and predictions that lead to negative emotions
Mindfullness meditation
Reached an individual to be fully present in each moment; to be aware of his or her thoughts, feelings, and sensations before they become a problem
Cognitive behavioural therapy
A blend of cognitive and behavioural theputic strategies
Antipsychotic drugs
Treat schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders
Antianxiety medication
Drugs that help reduce the fear or anxiety
Class of drugs that help lift people moods
Stops the breakdown is neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine
Block reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin
Most common
Blocks serotonin
World health organization of well being
Individuals realize their own potential,
can cope with everyday stress,
can work productively
Contribute to community
Percentage of students with mental health issues
20 %
Not support or structure they had in high school
Cost of tuition
Competition for jobs
New academic system
What percentage of population in canana will have a mental illness by age 40
When do most problems for mental illnesses become apparent
15 to 24
People prefer _____ over ______
Medicine over therapy
Does CBT work for depression?
Without a doubt it works!
Benefits last longer then medicine
Continuously use skills from CBT