Chapter 16 The Diversity of Life Flashcards
An organism whose respiration does not require oxygen.
A flowering vascular plant.
One of life’s three domans; consists of prokaryotes that are only distantly related to members of the doman Bacteria.
One of life’s three domans; consists of prokaryotes that are only distantly related to members of the domain Archaea.
A member of a class of vascular plants (Coniferophyta) that reproduce by means of seeds formed inside cones and that retain their leaves throughout the year.
A protective resting structure of some rod-shaped bacteria that withstands unfavorable enviromental conditions.
One of life’s three domains; consists of all eukaryotes (plants, animals, fungi, and protists).
Flagellum (plural flagella)
A long, hairlike extension of the plasma membrane; in eukaryotic cells, it contains microtubules arranged in a 9 + 2 pattern. The movement of flagella propel some cells through fluids.
The reproductive structure of an angriosperm plant.
In flowering plants, the ripened ovary (plus, in some cases, other parts of the flower), which contains the seeds.
A nonflowering seed plant, such as a conifer, cycad, or gingko.
Hypha (plural, hyphae)
A threadlike structure that consists of elongated cells, typically with many haploid nuclei; many hyphae make up the fungal body.
An animal that does not possess a vertebral column at any stage of its life.
Larva (plural, larvae)
An immature form of an organism with indirect development before metamorphisis into its adult form; includes caterpillars of moths and butterflies and the maggots of flies.
In animals with indirect development, a radical change in body form from larva to sexually mature adult, as seen in amphibians (tadpole to frog) and insects (ceterpillar to butterfly).