Chapter 16 - HVLA Flashcards
Neurophysiology behind HVLA
Quick thrust –> forceful stretch of muscle –> activation of muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs –> reflexive relaxation of the tight muscle
***Absolute contraindications to HVLA (6)
Osteomyelitis/Pott’s disease
Bone metastases
Severe RA (weakened transverse ligament of dens)
Down syndrome (laxity in transverse ligament of dens)
***Relative contraindications to HLVA (6)
Acute whiplash Pregnancy Post-surgery Herniated disc Anticoagulation or hemophiliacs Vertebral artery ischemia
Most common major complication of cervical HVLA
Especially in what position?
Vertebral artery injury
Extended neck
OA F SBR RL - HVLA position
Flex neck slightly, then extend OA joint slightly
Thrusting MCP is at base of occiput
SB and R INTO the barrier
Thrust = translation of occiput into the SB barrier (R), direction is toward opposite (R) eye
AA RR - HVLA position
Grasp chin w/ (L) hand
Right index finger at the AA joint, Right thumb is on the zygomatic process (NOT the mandible)
Rotate head INTO the barrier
Rotational thrust into barrier on exhalation, using right index finger as fulcrum
Typical cervical HVLA - where is the thrusting finger?
2 types?
Position? (for each)
Thrust? (for each)
Direction of thrust for each?
MCP joint on articular pillar of the dysfunctional segment
Rotational or Sidebending Thrust
Flex head and neck to segment, then extend slightly via slight F/E at that segment. ROTATE or SIDEBEND the head INTO the barrier. If it’s a sidebending thrust, rotate the head AWAY from the barrier.
Thrust via the MCP as fulcrum (rotational) or via translating the segment (sidebending)
Rotational - direct thrust at opposite eye
Sidebending - direct thrust at opposite shoulder
Thoracics and Ribs HVLA - position
Supine, patient’s arms are crossed “opposite over adjacent”. The physician reaches across to put the thenar eminence on the PTP or rib angle. Use the other arm to flex and SB the torso towards doc (INTO barrier). Apply a thrust with your body during exhalation
Flexion vs. extension dysfunctions for thoracic HVLA
Which way do you do it for a neutral? Change?
Flexion - thrust down on dysfunctional PTP
Extension - thrust cephalad at 45º angle on PTP BELOW
Like flexion, but sidebend the patient away from doc
Rib 1 inhalation dysfunction - HVLA
SB the head and neck TOWARD, Rotate AWAY
Thrust CAUDAD via the 1st MCP on the TUBERCLE of rib
Ribs 2-10 - HVLA (inhalation OR exhalation)
Same as thoracics - sidebend torso away (like neutral thoracics)
Type 2 T10-L5 - HVLA
Lateral recumbent (either side)
Flex upper leg and place foot in opposite popliteal fossa
Sidebend torso INTO the barrier via the pulling the lower arm up or down (depends on if PTP is up or down)
Stabilize opposite axilla with cephalad arm, contact ipsilateral hip with caudad arm
Thrust (rotate) hip forward (into barrier)
Type 1 T10-L5 - HVLA (how different than type 2?)
Rotate and sidebend torso in OPPOSITE directions into the barriers