Chapter 16- Exigency And Emergency Aid Flashcards
What are the limitations on exigency in the home? (2)
-Cannot be based on a circumstance that should have been anticipated.
-Must obtain a warrant if exigency ends.
When is exigency considered to be over? (3)
Exigency is over if:
* Suspect has been arrested or removed from the house
* No longer any risk that evidence will be destroyed or removed
* All occupants of the premises have been removed and police post a guard.
In the case of a woman who was pistol whipped and police find out the pistol is in the man’s backyard is there exigency
No exigency - police already secured the scene, they needed a warrant.
What is ‘Hot Pursuit’ in law enforcement?
The pursuit of a felon or jailable misdemeanor suspect.
What action did officers take when they did not receive an answer at one apartment door during a hot pursuit?
Entered the apartment and arrested the suspect.
Police see suspect on her door step they go talk to her and she runs inside, can they pursue?
Yes hot pursuit
What creates exigency during a hot pursuit?
Flight itself usually creates exigency
When should officers NOT enter a residence during a misde pursuit? (3)
- If the suspect fled into their own house
2.believes the suspect won’t destroy evidence - has no information that the suspect poses a risk of violence
What is the legal status of a refusal to stop in relation to misde pursuits?
Refusal to stop is a non-jailable offense and does not allow hot pursuit
What was the outcome of the officers chasing a suspect who ran into a home after a civil infraction?
The evidence found (a gun) was deemed inadmissible due to only having probable cause for a civil infraction
Under what circumstance may officers enter to investigate a crime?
If there is reasonable belief of a crime in progress, such as an open door
What is required for police to justify entry in a domestic violence situation?
Potential victim must be at risk to justify the entry
If a victim comes to the station stating they are in danger, police may need a warrant to enter the suspect’s property unless there is an immediate threat.
True or False: Victim’s objection matters in determining police entry.
The objection of the victim does not restrict police entry if there is reasonable belief of danger.
Under what circumstances can police enter a house to restore peace?
When there is an ongoing disturbance
Police must assess the situation; if the disturbance has ended, entry may not be justified.
In what scenario is police entry considered good in relation to loud music?
Persistent loud music despite multiple requests to stop
If attempts to resolve the noise issue fail, police can enter to restore order.
True or False: Police can force entry if they ask tenants to turn down music then see a known gang member running in the living room
Officers must have a valid reason for entry; seeing a gang member alone does not justify forceful entry.
Called for party in backyard with fireworks, arrive and hear nothing so they enter backyard and see owner and cocaine in plain view, good?
No, no exigency or consent
Underage drinking exigency is justified by what
Safety risk and destruction of evidence
What are the three main dangers that create exigency for law enforcement?
Violence, destruction of evidence, escape
These factors must establish probable cause and a real threat.
What must law enforcement have to justify actions based on exigency?
Probable cause
This is essential to proceed with exigent circumstances.
Name a factor that creates exigency related to the nature of the crime.
Felony and present violent crime
The severity of the crime impacts exigent circumstances.
What does it indicate if a suspect is believed to be armed?
Dangerous to delay entering
This increases the urgency for law enforcement action.
How does awareness of police involvement affect the situation?
It may incentivize violence, escape, or destruction of evidence
Suspects may act out of fear of apprehension.
What is one thing about nighttime that allows for exigency
Magistrates are less available
This can hinder the ability to obtain a warrant quickly.