Chapter 16 Change Management Flashcards
Organizational culture
-value and behaviors that describe the psychological environment of a company
Organizational climate
-current mood (zeitgeist) of the company in light of recent events
-peculiarities of culture that exist for small groups within a larger organization
Diffusion of innovation
-process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system
Innovative-decision process
-has 5 steps: knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, confirmation
Diffusion of innovations
-adopters fall on S shaped curve
-Innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards
ways in which change can be implemented
-optional (individual), collective (consensus), authoritative (top-down)
Transition theory
-William Bridges
-transition is the “state that change puts people into”
-change is external
-3 phases: goodbye (endings), neutral zone (explorations), moving forward (new beginnings)
-4 Ps of transition communications: the purpose (why we are doing this), the picture (what it will look and feel like when we get there), the plan (details of how we will get there), and the part (what you can do to help)
Lewin’s Change Theory
-3 steps: Step 1 “unfreezing” (from the current state so old behavior can be discarded), Step 2 “moving” (trial and error of all available options and reinforcement of the change), Step 3 “refreezing” (to stabilize the new equilibrium and assure that new behaviors are sustained and don’t regress
Lewin’s Field Theory
individual’s behavior is a function if one’s own characteristics as well as the group environment (the “field”), where a group is defined as individuals who have an “interdependence of fate”
Preceed/proceed model
-developed by Green and colleagues
-provide framework for systematically applying change theories (not change theory in itself)
-PRECEED framework: developed in 1970s (Predisposing, Reinforcing and Enabling Constructs in Educational/Environmental Diagnosis and Evaluation), based on idea that an educational “diagnosis” should precede an interventional plan
-PROCEED framework: developed in 1991 (Policy, Regulatory and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development), added to emphasize importance of environmental factors in health behaviors
-In 2005 model revised to acknowledge ecological and participatory approaches are relevant to public health initiatives in general and to bring in contribution of genetics
-Phase 1: social assessment, participatory planning, situation analysis, Phase 2: epidemiological, behavioral, and environmental assessments, Phase 3: education and ecological assessment that looks at predisposition, reinforcing, and enabling factors, Phase 4: where there is administrative and policy assessment and intervention alignment, Phase 5-8: about implementation and evaluation
Social influence
-any change in which a person’s relations with other people affects his activities, emotions, or actions
Compliance v obedience
authority is gained by means of expertise (compliance) or relative position in hierarchy (obedience)
Injunctive norms
norms which tell people what is acceptable or unacceptable
Descriptive norma
norms which tell people what is typically done
another important component of social influence theory: refers to changing one’s behavior to match the responses of others and is based on the desire to behave correctly and obtain approval from others
Complex Adaptive System
-key characteristic is that the components interact in a nonlinear fashion in multiple ways and create unexpected results
John Kotter’s Leading Change: 8 change management strategies
-create a sense of urgency
-create a guiding coalition
-develop a vision and strategy
-communicating the change vision
-empowering employees
-generating short-term wins
-consolidating gains to produce more change
-anchoring new approaches in the culture
Skill versus Will Matrix
-low skill and low will: Won’t
-high skill and low will: Won’t
-low skill and high will: Can’t
-high skill and high will: Does