Chapter 16, Approaches to treatment and therapy Flashcards
drugs used primarily in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders; they are often used off label and inappropriately for other disorders such as dementia and impulsive aggressiveness
antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics)
drugs used primarily in the treatment of mood disorders, especially depression and anxiety
antidepressant drug
drugs commonly but often inappropriately prescribed for patients who complain of unhappiness, anxiety or worry
a drug frequently given to people suffering from bipolar disorder
lithium carbonate
the apparent success of a medication or treatment due to the patient’s expectations or hopes rather than to the drug or treatment itself
placebo effect
the amount of a drug that us enough but not too much, taking into account the fact that the same dose of a drug may be metabolized differently in men and women, old people and young people, and different ethnic people
therapeutic window
any surgical procedure that destroys selected areas of the brain believed to be involved in emotional disorders or violent, impulsive behaviour
a procedure used in cases of prolonged and severe major depression, in which brief brain seizure is induced
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
a theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy, originally formulated by Sigmund Freud, that emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts
in psychodynamic therapies, a critical process in which the client transfers unconscious emotions or reactions such as emotional feelings about his or her parents, onto the therapist
a form of therapy that applies principles of classical and operant conditioning to help people change self-defeating or problematic behaviours
behaviour therapy
in behaviour therapy, a method in which a person suffering from a phobia or panic attacks is gradually taken into the feared situation or exposed to a traumatic memory until the anxiety subsides
graduated exposure
in behaviour therapy, a form of exposure treatment in which the client is taken directly into the feared situation and remains there until his or her panic subsides
in behaviour therapy, a step-by-step process of desensitizing a client to a feared object or experience; it is based on the classical-conditioning procedure of counterconditioning
systematic desensitization
in behaviour therapy, a method of keeping careful data on the frequency and consequences of the behaviour to be changed
behavioural self-monitoring