Chapter 15: Stress, Lifestyle, and Health Flashcards
A high-stress job, overcrowding, and long commutes to work are examples of the way some psychologists conceptualize stress as a ________.
demanding or threatening event or situation
What triggers the secondary appraisal of a stressor?
how a threat is perceived
Lamont cares for his aging father, who suffers from dementia. This is an example of a(n) ________ stressor.
Which of the following is an example of the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome?
Latricia has been lost in the woods for days. After such a long period of anxiety and fear, Latricia collapses by a tree.
Which term refers to mental or behavioral efforts used to manage problems relating to stress, including the cause and the unpleasant feelings and emotions it produces?
Which of the following is an example of eustress?
training for a marathon
A demanding or threatening event is often called a(n) ________.
People who reach the ________ level of stress feel burned out; they are fatigued, exhausted, and their performance begins to decline.
A stressor would be appraised as a ________ if someone anticipates that it could lead to some kind of harm, loss, or other negative consequence; however, if someone believes that it carries the potential for gain or personal growth, it would be appraised as a ________.
threat; challenge
Which of the following is an example of the alarm reaction stage of the general adaptation syndrome?
A burst of energy enables Hassan to run fast when he sees a skunk in his path.
Rush hour traffic, lost keys, obnoxious coworkers, and inclement weather are all examples of a(n) ________.
daily hassle
A stressor is likely to be appraised as a threat when someone ________.
anticipates that it could lead to some kind of harm, loss, or other negative consequence
Which of the following is an example of the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome?
Tyrique almost falls out of the tree, but he grabs a branch, and now that the danger of falling has passed, he focuses his energy and attention on getting down from the tree safely.
Psychologists define stress as an attempt to reach some important goal.
Hans Seyle observed that a variety of stressors trigger activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which prepares the body for a fight or flight response.
The three successive phases of the general adaptation syndrome are attention, comprehension, and resistance
A stress-moderating hormone released by cuddling and associated with pair bonding is known as:
Who is the best example of a Type A personality?
Phillip, a competitive, hot tempered corporate president
What is the best example of a Type B personality?
Wang, a relaxed, easy going dentist
Attempting to reduce stress directly by changing the stressor is called problem-focused coping.