Chapter 15 - Integrity, objectivity and independence Flashcards
Why is independence and objectivity important for auditors?
Independence ensures objective assurance for stakeholders and maintains public trust. It helps auditors provide unbiased assurance that directors cannot
What is the public interest argument for auditor independence?
Companies are public entities governed by rules requiring the disclosure of accurate financial information, critical for maintaining trust in the financial markets.
FRC dictates auditors must be independent they need to actually be and perceived to be independent
FRC dictates auditors must be independent they need to actually be and perceived to be independent
What are the threats an auditor might face? (6)
Self Interest
Self Review
Self Interest
Self Review
What are the different ways a self-interest threat may present? (8)
- Financial Interest
- Close business relationships
- Gifts and hospitality
- Loans and guarantees
- Overdue fees
- High percentage of fees
- Lowballing
- Contingent fees
What constitutes a self-interest threat related to financial interests?
A self-interest threat arises when the assurance firm, its partners, or immediate family members (not parents) have a direct or material indirect financial interest in the client.
What safeguards mitigate self-interest threats related to financial interests?
Disposing of the interest - not good enough to just remove partner from audit team
Removing the individual from the audit team.
Informing the audit committee.
Using an engagement quality control reviewer - 2nd partner review
How does an inappropriate close business relationship create a self-interest threat?
Close business relationships such as joint ventures, combining products, or leases between the firm and client compromise objectivity and independence.
What safeguards exist for close business relationships? (3)
Avoid entering into such relationships unless immaterial.
Terminate the business relationship.
Ensure all transactions occur at arm’s length - some sort of distance treated the same as everyone else
What is the policy for gifts and hospitality?
Gifts or hospitality must be insignificant in value, and firms should have a clear policy on their acceptance to avoid independence threats.
e.g. specific budget allowed
When does a loan or guarantee pose a threat to independence?
If a lending institution client lends material amounts to the audit team or firm, it may pose a threat unless safeguards are applied.
What safeguard should be applied for loans from a client? (3)
Ensure the loan is immaterial.
Use an independent review.
Avoid entering into new loan arrangements with clients.
Why do overdue fees pose a self-interest threat?
Overdue fees create a debtor-creditor relationship between the auditor and client, potentially impairing independence.
What safeguard mitigates the overdue fee threat?
Require payment of overdue fees before continuing the assurance engagement.
When do high fees from a client pose a threat?
When fees represent a large proportion of the firm’s total income, it creates dependency on the client.
What safeguards address high client fees? (4)
Monitor fee dependency thresholds (e.g., 10% for listed companies).
Conduct internal/external quality control reviews.
Consult a third party, like ICAEW.
Resign if the dependency persists.
For a listed and non listed company what’s the % of fees (out of the total that is brought into the business) that is flagged as a major safeguarding issue?
What’s the process here?
Listed 10%
Unlisted 15%
No safeguards - must reduce reliance or resign from the audit
For a listed and non listed company what’s the % of fees (out of the total that is brought into the business) that is flagged as there may be safeguarding issues?
What’s the process here?
Listed 5-10%
Unlisted 10%
Some safeguards so we need to actively monitors and disclose to clients suit committee and my own firms ethic partner - may require a 2nd partner review consult + involve ICAEW
For a listed and non listed company how can I calculate the % of fees that is brought into the business) from a client
Regular audit + non audit fee from client
———————————————————– x100%
Annual total audit + non audit fees
What is lowballing, and why is it a threat?
Lowballing is quoting significantly low fees to win an engagement, leading to compromised quality due to resource constraints.
What safeguards mitigate lowballing threats? (2)
Ensure adequate staff and time allocation.
Comply with professional standards and guidelines.
When does a self-review threat arise?
A self-review threat occurs when the audit firm prepares records, provides internal audit services, or conducts valuations included in financial statements audited by the firm.
What safeguards mitigate self-review threats for valuation services? (3)
Use separate personnel for valuation and audit.
Conduct second partner reviews.
Ensure the client acknowledges responsibility for the valuation.
What are the different ways a self-review threat may present? (5)
- Service with an assurance client
- Internal audit services
- Preparing accounting records and financial statements
- Valuation services
- Tax services