Chapter 14 - Codes of professional ethics and regulatory issues Flashcards
Why is it important for accountants to follow an ethical code?
To maintain public trust, protect the reputation of the profession, and ensure independence and objectivity in their work.
What are the key responsibilities of professional accountants under ethics?
To act in the public interest, avoid personal self-interest, and ensure reliance on their expertise extends to the general community.
What protection do ethical guidelines provide for accountants?
They prevent accountants from being accused of unethical behaviour, as long as they act within the framework.
What are the main sources of ethical guidance for accountants?
ICAEW Code: Applies to ICAEW members and trainees.
IESBA Code: Influences the ICAEW Code and provides international ethical standards.
FRC Ethical Standards: Specific to UK auditors to ensure compliance with ethical requirements.
Q: What is the main advantage of a principles-based framework over rules-based guidance?
A: It requires active consideration of ethical situations, preventing rigid or narrow interpretations of compliance.
Q: Why is a principles-based framework flexible?
A: It accommodates rapidly changing environments and individual situations, such as those in assurance engagements.
Q: Can a principles-based framework incorporate prohibitions?
A: Yes, where necessary, it can include specific prohibitions to guide professional behaviour.
What are the five fundamental principles of the IESBA Code?
PIPCO - draw a face
Integrity: Be straightforward and honest.
Objectivity: Avoid bias, conflicts of interest, and undue influence.
Professional Competence and Due Care: Maintain skills and comply with professional standards.
Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of information unless legally required to disclose.
Professional Behaviour: Avoid actions that discredit the profession.
What safeguards are created by the profession, legislation, or regulation?
Educational and training requirements.
Continuing professional development (CPD).
Professional standards and monitoring.
Disciplinary procedures.
What are examples of safeguards in the work environment?
Involving an additional accountant to review work.
Consulting an independent third party.
Rotating senior personnel.
Disclosing the nature of services and associated fees.
Declaration of independence.
What does the ICAEW Code require professional accountants to do?
The ICAEW Code implements the IESBA (IFAC) Code above so that following it ensures compliance with the IESBA (IFAC) Code.
The ICAEW Code states that ‘professional accountants are expected to follow the guidance contained in the fundamental principles in all of their professional and business activities whether carried out with or without reward and in other circumstances where to fail to do so would bring discredit to the profession.’
To follow the fundamental principles in all professional and business activities, ensuring they do not discredit the profession.
What are the two parts of the FRC Ethical Standards for auditors?
Part A: Covers fundamental concepts like integrity, objectivity, and independence.
Part B: Includes specific sections on:
General requirements and guidance.
Financial, business, employment, and personal relationships.
Long association with the audit engagement.
Fees, remuneration, and policies on gifts and hospitality.
Non-audit services.
Provisions for small entity audits.
True or False A code based on a set of rules requires accountants to evaluate
and address threats to independence.
Integrity | A professional accountant should be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships and being uncorrupted by self-interest.
Objectivity | A professional accountant should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgements.