Chapter 15 Flashcards
Personnel and ______ ________ _______ provide the first line of defense in recognizing and mitigating hazards.
Tactical Level Supervisors
_______ ______ are those that require immediate action to prevent a significant injury or fatality.
Imminent threat
________ is the ability to reasonably predict the future well in advance of the change.
Document that the IC may use on the fire ground to track units and record field notes during an incident; could evolve into a written IAP if an incident escalates in size or complexity.
Tactical Worksheet
To operate independently of the incident commander’s command and control.
Incident Action Plan Safety Analysis
ICS form 215A
Written document at complex incidents which outlines hazards identified during pre-incident surveys and size up. It also defines planned mitigation strategies for those hazards.
Incident Safety Plan
Weather Information will be included on ICS Form ___, Incident Status Summary. When requested, the weather observer will prepare an incident weather forecast on ICS form _____
Form provided by chemical manufacturers, distributors, and importers; contains information about chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, health and safety hazards, emergency response procedures, and waste disposal procedures.
Safety Data Sheets
OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR ____.___, regulates the production of SDS’s by manufactures or distributors.
NFPA _____, Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional Qualifications, Only requires that the ISO complete ICS Form ____ (IAP Safety Analysis)
ICS 215A
The ______ analysis is one of the primary ICS form responsibilities for the ISO.
Standard on Protective Ensembles for Technical Rescue Incidents; Addresses the protection of personnel in common technical rescue incidents.
NFPA 1951
Standard on Surface Water Operations Protective clothing and Equipment
NFPA 1952
Standard on Protective Ensembles for Contaminated Water Diving
NFPA 1953
The ISO of a technical rescue incident should be trained to the level of the ______ employed or have a technical expert (technical Safety Officer-TSO) assigned to assist with assessing the scene.
Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications
NFPA 1006
Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents.
NFPA 472
Resource accountability and tracking is the __ responsibility until the responsibility is delegated to the Resources Unit in the planning Section.
______ _________ help maintain the incident continuity and situational awareness during times of change.
Good Communications
Stage of an incident when the immediate problem or emergency has been controlled, contained, or extinguished.
System of barriers surrounding designated areas at emergency scenes, intended to limit the number of persons exposed to a hazard and to facilitate its mitigation.
Control Zones
The area immediately surrounding a residence is called the _____ ______ zone. This zone presents the likelihood of a structure succumbing to the radiant heat of a wild land fire.
Home Ignition Zone
Potentially hazardous area immediately surrounding the incident site; requires appropriate protective clothing and equipment and other safety precautions for entry. Typically limited to Technician Level personnel
Hot Zone
The _____ zone is where trained personnel are working to resolve the problem at the scene. Only personnel who are directly involved is disposing of the problem are allowed to enter this zone.
Hot zone
Area usually within the hot zone which personnel should avoid regardless of their level of protective clothing and equipment
Exclusion Zones
Operational Zones deemed too dangerous for personnel to enter under any conditions
No-Entry Zones
The No-entry Zone and _______ zone terms are commonly used interchangeably.
____ ______ zones may also by established to preserve evidence for investigations after the hazard has been mitigated.
Operational zone designated that indicates an active shooter or explosion hazard.
Threat Zone
Operational Zone established on or near a roadway for the reroute get of traffic and protection of civilians and responders
Traffic Control Zones
Area surrounding a home during a wildfire which indicates that the home should be evaluated for protection from an encroaching wildfire.
Home Ignition Zone
NFPA 1500 recommends control zones be identified with colored tape or flags as follows: No-entry Zone: Hot Zone: Warm Zone: Cold Zone:
Red/White Chevron
NIOSH recommends vehicular exhaust exposure be reduced to __________________
The lowest possible level
If a code has not been formally adopted, the HSO may request permission from the ______ ______ to use the most current applicable code or regulation in conducting or coordinating facility inspections.
Fire Chief
A copy of the inspection form should be made available to the _________ __________, Station personnel, and the Fire Administrative staff.
Facility Supervisor
_______ ________ is a goal of apparatus, equipment, and protective clothing purchasing and maintenance programs.
Injury Prevention
NFPA standards and guides are typically updated on a _____-_____ cycle.
Five year
A ________ _________ of service delivery demands associated with a strategic planning or accreditation process provides valuable data for justifying new apparatus, equipment, and/or protective clothing purchases.
Comprehensive Assessment
Wildland Fire apparatus must meet all requirements of the standard while stationary on a grade of _________ in any direction
20 percent
_______ tests consists of visual inspections, operational tests, and load tests.
Annual tests
When a compartment fire enters the decay stage due to lack of oxygen, the rate of heat release also ________
Type ___ construction is normally used when fire risk is expected to be low or when fire suppression and detection systems are designed to meet the fuel load of the contents.
Type II
The collapse zone is generally a space ____ _____ _____ _____ of the structure and extending the full length of the structure.
1 1/2 times the height
Because the collapse zone is the full length of all effected walls, the safest location for defensive operations is at the ______ of the building.
A good rule to follow is for the landing zone site to be ___ _____ the size of the _____ _______
Two times the size of the rotor diameter.
Landing Zone- Flat surfaces are preferred over slopes, but no slope should exceed ____ percent.
Five Percent
Generally, a ____ x____ area is recommended as a minimum landing zone site.
Other than the IC position, the ____ position should be the first delegated position within the command and general staff positions.
Roll call of all units assigned to an incident.
Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)
Standard for Training Fire Service Rapid Intervention Crews
NFPA 1407
Standard on the Rehabilitation process for members during emergency Operations and Training Exercises
NFPA 1584
While on the scene, the rehabilitation area is the best opportunity for the ISO or other assigned personnel to assess firefighters for _______ _______
Stress indicators
Long term stress can also be a contributing factor to __________ _________
Cardiovascular Disease
Physical and psychological stress related to emergency response; could be associated with especially traumatic events involving fatality or serious injury.
Incident related stress
Rehabilitation function During an incident intended to monitor responders vital signs and incident-stress levels.
Medical Surveillance
Evaluation of responders baseline vital signs Before clearance to enter the Hot zone, also includes hydration before beginning work at the scene.
Premedical Surveillance
Evaluation of responders vital signs, body temperature, and symptoms of dehydration, heat/cold stress, cardiovascular illness, stroke, or other ailment Before leaving a scene to return to duty or cycling off a work shift.
Post Medial Surveillance
The ____ is the game plan for all personnel to function within
The primary considerations in developing the IAP are the ________ ________ and ____/_____ analysis
Incident priorities
Risk/benefit analysis
______ _______ reports should be communicated to the IC regularly within proper ICS
Incident Status reports
Comprehensive crisis intervention system composed of 7 elements
Critical Incident Stress Management
Physical, mental, or emotional tension caused when persons have been exposed to a traumatic event where they have experienced, witnessed, or been confronted with an event or events that involve actual death, threatened death, serious injury, or threat or physical integrity of self or others.
Critical Incident Stress
Term used in National Fire Protection Association standards to describe incidents that have a likihood of causing critical incident stress.
Atypical stressful event
Term developed by the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation in their programs to describe incidents that have the potential for critical incident stress.
Potentially Traumatic Event
Informal discussion with incident responders conducted after the incident has been terminated, either at the scene or after the units have returned to quarters.
A gathering of information from all personnel that were involved in incident operations; in terms of incident related stress, helps personnel process the scope of an event after a few days have passed.
In the event that the ISO lacks proper training, a trained ________ should be consulted.
Investigations should be conducted as __________ as possible.
Tangible or real objects that are related to the incident
Physical evidence
No _______ shall be removed in any fashion from the scene.
Upon arrival, ________ at the scene should be considered potential evidence.
The first responders at the scene ____ ____ in a position to decide if the potential evidence they identify at the scene will have any value to an incident or accident investigation.
Are not
Taking photographs ______ after an accident occurred captures how the scene looked.
When an item of evidence is tagged and assigned an identification number, this number should be recorded in the investigation notes and on the scene diagram. An ISO should also generate an _____ ______ sheet that lists each item collected. The Log will become an essential portion of the documentation of the ____ __ ______ of evidence collected during the investigations.
Evidence log sheet
Chain of custody
__________ can be collected as notes, audio or video recordings, or written statements, interviews should be conducted in a ______________ manner, preferable away from the incident scene.
_______ _______ _______ should be included in the early stages of the investigation.
Written witness statements
Good __________ is essential in any investigation because most scenes are altered or destroyed during or after an investigation.
A ______ ______ is the minimum drawing that needs to be developed as part of every investigation.
Simple sketch
The _____ provides a graphical representation of the scene that is proportional but not necessarily to scale.
_________ provide exact representation of the key components of an incident.
Continuous changes of possession of physical evidence that must be established in court to admit such material into evidence.
Chain of custody
Point in the chain of custody where a piece of evidence is determined to no longer have value as evidence; options at this point may include permanent storage, return to the owner, or authorized destruction.
Final Disposition
General term referring to anything that can taint physical evidence during an investigation.
Reports on accidents, incidents, events, and activities, should be completed in _______ form following departmental SOP/G’s.
The ____ is a review of incidents to assess actions and decisions taken to stabilize an incident.
Written record of an incident safety officer, or other officer’s observations during an incident; often used as the basis for a post-incident analysis report
Field notes
A ____ is a formal document that will be analyzed to established departmental needs, changes to SOP/G’s, and other recommendations.
_______ ________ are a learning exercise for all crew members.
Informal debriefings
A written ____ is a detailed review and analysis of large scale or tactically challenging incidents.
The ____ is not intended to find specific individuals at fault for the result of incidents.
A _____ ______ who was not involved in the incident usually facilitates a post incident Critique from a written PIA.
Chief Officer
Meeting to discuss strategy and tactics, problems, SOP/G changes, or training changes derived from a post incident analysis report, Usually led by a Chief Officer some time after a major event.
Post Incident Critique
Two primary areas of analysis are the _________ and _________ of the operational strategy and tactics and personnel safety.
Application and effectiveness
The point of the ____ is to document and analyze the actions at the scene to identify unsafe acts or conditions.
The final step in a ____ or an accident investigation is to make ________ ________ recommendations and the appropriate implementation procedures based on the facts of the situation.
Corrective Action
Existing specifications are typically revised _____________
On an as needed basis.
Standard for Fire Service Respiratory Protection Training
NFPA 1404
General Requirements for Requalification of Specification Cylinders
U.S. DOT 49 CFR 108.205
Level ___ refurbishment, describes the requirements for the assembly of a new apparatus using the following new components:
Level I
- Chassis frame
- Driving and crew compartments
- Front axle
- Steering and suspension components
Level __refurbishment consists of new components added to the existing apparatus chassis.
Level II
Protective clothing and equipment _______ is a critical factor because medical research and field experience have shown that physiological stress due to equipment _____ can have an effect on cardiovascular incidents among fire service personnel.
Increased risks of cancer:
Brain, Melanoma, & Prostate
1.3 times
Increased risks of cancer:
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
1.5 times
Increased risks of cancer:
1.4 times
Increased risks of cancer:
1.2 times
Increased risks of cancer:
2 times
________ inspections ensure that the ensembles are ready for immediate use, that all items work properly, and that any required repairs are noted and reported.
______ inspections should take place annually and coincide with a periodic cleaning and preventive maintenance of the protective clothing or equipment
______ ________create a separation between responders and hazards.
Engineering controls
According to NFPA 1026, Standard for Incident Management Personnel Professional Qualifications, the ______ __ _______is requisite knowledge for the ISO regarding the evaluation of incident safety practices.
Hierarchy of Controls
The ______ ______ ______ is an overall strategy for achieving a coordinated incident management outcome.
Incident Management System
The ____ is one component of the overall IMS.
ICS is the ________ element that provides a framework for maintaining control of personnel assignments and actions while promoting a coordinated effort in which all members are working toward the same goals.
At fires in large structures, these studies recommend that no firefighters enter the structure for interior attack or search and rescue unless there are at least __ _____ firefighters outside who can conduct a search, if necessary.
a dozen
Firefighters should recognize the ____ __ __ ______ – the distance into the building at which they do not have enough air to exit the building, if needed.
Point of no Return