Chapter 10 Flashcards
All inspections, in someway, have a safety and health objective for the workplace and the worker, which is why the ______coordinates the facility inspection process
HSO Health and safety officer
____ ______Can be an informal or formal process
Facility inspections
_____ ______At a facility is the ultimate goal of any inspection
Risk assessment
At a minimum, NFPA 1500, standard on fire department occupational safety and health program, requires _______safety and health inspections and ________ fire and life safety code inspections
Monthly; annual
One method of scheduling facility inspection could be as follows
_____- Performed in formally by the assigned crew to address minor issues and/or report more significant maintenance issues
One method of scheduling facility inspections could be as follows:
_______-Performed FORMALLY by the assigned crew with a standard checklist to be documented And forwarded for retention.
_______inspections will continue to address minor issues, with more significant maintenance issues forwarded through the chain of command
One method of scheduling facility inspections could be as follows:
______- performed formally by the assigned crew and/or battalion chief with a STANDARDIZE checklist to be documented and forward it on for retention.
One method of scheduling facility inspections could be as follows:
_______- Performed formally to meet state OSHA regulatory requirements on certain facilities
One method of scheduling facility inspections could be as follows:
_______- Performed formally by the fire chief, fire prevention Bureau, HSO, organizational/third-party risk management personnel, insurance carrier, or other designated official
One method of scheduling facility inspections could be as follows:
________- Performed formally after a significant natural or man-made event. Tornadoes, earthquakes, thunderstorms, floods, and terrorism can produce not only the obvious damaging forces but some of them are capable of producing multiple damaging forces
Post damage
After a significant event, the _____ will also coordinate facility inspections with the fire department personnel, facility maintenance personnel, building code inspectors, and or engineers
One method of scheduling facility inspections could be as follows:
________- inspections can also include those requested by OSHA, EPA, FEMA, Or the jurisdictions risk management office
Upon request
Determining compliance is one of the primary goals of the ______ inspection
Vehicle exhaust is a known carcinogenic
NIOSH recommends vehicular exhaust exposure be reduced to________.
The lowest possible level