Chapter 15 Flashcards
E) both leukotrienes and histamine
E. Both leukotrienes and Histamines.
E) are specialists in killing bacteria.
D. are nonspecific leukocytes that secrete toxins onto the surface of virally infected cells.
E) macrophages
e. macrophages
E) lymphocytes
d. eosinophils
E) C5
c. C3
E) an increase in allergies and helminth infection
c. the movement of a cell toward or away from a chemical stimulus.
E) They release prostaglandins and leukotrienes in response to microbes.
d. They increase in allergies and helminth infection
E) It plays a very significant role in the elimination of parasitic helminths.
c. Its activation is independent of antibodies
E) extension of pseudopodia to surround a microbe.
a. movement of cells toward or away from a chemical stimulus
- Neutrophils can kill bacteria by nonphagocytic mechanisms
- Histamine and prostaglandins are involved in inflammatory reactions
E) neutrophil
a. monocyte
E) phagocytic cells
a. antibodies
E) wandering macrophages
D. dendritic cells
E) MACs on the surface of microbes are detected by NOD proteins.
A. TLRs in the phagocyte cytoplasmic membrane bind surface structures of microbes.
E) the end result of only the alternative complement system.
D. the end result of both the classical and alternative complement systems.
E) damage resulting in cell lysis.
E. damage resulting in cell lysis
E) the release prostaglandins and leukotrienes in response to microbes.
B. the process in which monocytes stick to the wall of the blood vessels at the site of infection
E) macrophages - lymph nodes
C. Microglial cells - spleen
E) odor
E. odor
E) both the absence of necessary receptors and lack of suitable environment in the body
E. both the absence of necessary receptors and lack of suitable environment in the body
E) tears and mucus combine to trap microbes and remove them.
D. tears contain lysozyme and salt and mechanically flush particles from the eyes
E) triggering inflammation and attracting phagocytes to sites of infection.
E. triggering inflammation and attracting phagocytes to sites of infection
E) They identify and spare normal cells.
D. They attach to the surface of parasitic helminths and produce toxins that kill the parasite.
E) formation of neutrophil extracellular traps, phagocytosis, and production of nitric oxide.
E. formation of neutrophil extracellular traps, phagocytosis, and production of nitric oxide.
E) a type of granule in a granulocyte.
A. the remains of a phagosome after digestion
E) killing
A. activation
E) chemokines and peptides from complement
E. chemokines and peptides from complement
E) produce no adverse effects in the body.
C. are produced by infected fibroblasts and macrophages.
E) the presence of resident bacteria on the surface of the body and in cavities that connect to the surface.
B. the presence of normal microbiota that protect the body by competing with pathogens in a variety of ways to prevent pathogens from invading the body.
E) a tumor
E. a tumor
E) lysozymes are always present.
A. they are both constantly shedding and replacing cells.
E) siderophores
A. M protein
E) nonspecific leukocytes that secrete toxins onto the surface of virally infected cells.
A. phagocyte receptors that detect PAMPs.
E) cells squeeze through the lining of capillaries to attack invading microbes.
E. cells squeeze through the lining of capillaries to attack invading microbes.
- Sweat contains lysozyme
- Some Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are found on the surface of host cells and recognize specific microbial molecules
- Interferons work against viruses.
E) nonspecific leukocytes that secrete toxins onto the surface fo virally infected cells.
B. Intact skin, seburn, tears, etc.
E) It is acidic
C. it has goblet cells
E) The mucus physically traps microbes, contains a variety of antimicrobial chemicals, and is shed constantly, along with the outermost layer of cells.
E. The mucus physically traps microbes, contains a variety of antimicrobial chemicals, and is shed constantly, along with the outermost layer of cells.
E) leukotrienes
A. gamma interferons
E) It blocks the release of histamine
A. It acts as an antiprostaglandin
E) Phagocyte receptors that detect PAMPs
A. the coating of a pathogen by complement
E) They kill cells by causing cell lysis.
C. They release prostaglandins and leukotrienes in response to microbes.
E) the effectiveness in killing Gram-negative bacteria
B. The range of microbes that can be targeted
E) NOD protein - neutrophil
D. Alpha interferon - natural killer lymphocyte
E) is a chemotatic substance that attracts neutrophils.
a. is part of the capsule and prevents adherence of phagocytes to its surface
E) eosinophils and neutrophils
E. Eosinophils and neutrophils
E) basophils
E. Basophils
2.) Deeper connective layer that supports the epithelium
all, thin, mucous, living, tightly, shedding, microorganisms, traps, secretion, antimicrobial chemicals
*Most eye infections is by _
drains tears, blinking, washes, lsyozyme, peptidoglycan, gram (+), gram negatives
Lacrimal apparatus:
~ Produces and drains tears
- Promote _ by providing _ to host
normal microbiota, ANTAGONISTIC, hard, compete, nutrients, unfavorable, microorganisms, second line, overall health, vitamins
a.) Microbial antagonism:
Normal microbiota compete with potential
~ Serum: is the fluid remaining when _ are removed. Includes iron-_, _proteins, and _. Serum does not contain _
water, electrolytes, proteins, clotting factors, binding compounds, complement, antibodies, fibrinogen
~ Mostly water containing electrolytes, dissolved gases, nutrients, and proteins
is the fluid remaining when clotting factors are removed. Includes iron-binding compounds, complement proteins, and antibodies. Serum does not contain fibrinogen
3.) Leukocytes (_ blood cells): Involved in defending the body against _. Divided into _ and _
cell fragments, formed elements, oxygen, carbon dioxide, blood clotting, white, invaders, granulocytes, agranulocytes
Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
Leukocytes (white blood cells):
Involved in defending the body against invaders. Divided into granulocytes and agranulocytes
~ Can kill bacteria by _ means as well
granules, different, blue, basic dye, red/orange, eosin, lilac, basic dyes, phagocytize, diapedsis, non-phagocytotic
Contain large granules that stain different colors
Basophils -
stain blue with basic dye methylene blue
Eosinophils -
stain red/orange with acidic dye eosin
Neutrophils -
stain lilac with mix of acidic and basic dyes
Neutrophils and eosinophils:
~ Phagocytize pathogens
~ _ cells
cytoplasm, uniform, adaptive immunity, tissues, macrophages, phagocytic
Cytoplasm appears uniform under a light microscope
Most involved in adaptive immunity
Most involved in adaptive immunity
~ Leave the blood and moves in tissues and mature into macrophages
~ _ infections show increase in _ (virus killing)
white blood, disease, eosinophils, allergies, bacterial, leukocytes, neutrophils, viral, lymphocytes
5.) Elimination
phagocytes, understood, movement, stimulus, binding, endocytosis, endocytic vesicle,
~ Eosinophil _ DNA and _ form structure that _ some bacteria
helminths, surface, toxins, helminth, esosinophils, helminth, mitochondrial, proteins, kills
Killing by eosinophils:
~ Attack parasitic helminths by attaching to their surface
~ _ normal body cells because they have _ similar to the _cells
toxins, virally, tumors, differentiate, membrane proteins, NK
Killing by natural killer (NK) lymphocytes:
~ Secrete toxins onto surface of virally infected cells and tumors
2.) Type II (_)
virally, nonspecifically, symptoms, viral infections, alpha, gamma
~ Released by virally infected host cells to nonspecifically inhibit the spread of viral infections
- _ on many cells bind and _ down _ proteins
triggering, phagocytes, infection, attract, phagocytosis, killing, MAC, complement cascade, proteins, break, activated complement
increases phagocytosis
- Long-lasting (chronic)
nonspecific, various, redness,
~ Nonspecific response to tissue damage from various causes
*_ repair
quickly, short, beneficial, second line, dilation, permeability, phagocytes, tissue
off as a scab.
epidermis, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, histamine, leukotrienes, permeable, vasodilation, macrophages, permeability, antimicrobial, clotting proteins, swelling, phagocytes, devour, damaged tissue, pus, undifferentiated, absorbed