Chapter 15 Flashcards
the entire diversity of living organisms in an area
the complete loss of a species
Mass Extinctions
- loss of species that is rapid, global in scale, and affects a wide variety of organisms
- history of life on earth has been punctuated with five
is the place where a particular species lives and obtains resources for survival
Species Area Curve
measures the relationship between the size of a natural area and the number of species it can support
organism that produces carbohydrates from inorganic carbon, typically via photosynthesis
Primary Consumers
organism that eats plants
Secondary Consumers
animals that eat primary consumers; predators
Introduced Species
non-native species introduced to a new area either purposely or accidentally by human activity
occurs when change in one biological species triggers a change in an associated species
is the excess growth of bacteria that depletes oxygen from the water
Food Web
- species interact with one another and their environment in complex ways
- not just a simple food chain
relationship in which both species benefit from their interaction
is a relationship where one species benefits and the other is unaffected
species that survives by eating other species
return nutrients back in to the soil for use by plants
Genetic Variability
is the sum of all of the alleles and their distribution within the species
Inbreeding Depression
a decline in heterzygotes