Chapter 15 Flashcards
A government run by religion
People who study human nature and thinking
Wrote the “the Prince” a book that showed his opinion on how a government should run
Wrote “the Book of the Courtier” which spoke about how a gentleman and fine woman should act in a polite society
Father of the Renaissance. He was a humanist, and he wrote some of the most highly regarded love poems up to date.
A Dutch humanist. Believed that ideas of Christianity and of classic civilization could be harmonized.
He wrote really famous plays that influenced Renaissance ideas
Linear perspective
Making distant objects look smaller like they are farther away
Renaissance artists
Da Vinci
Johannes Gutenberg
Invented the Printing Press
Printing press
Most influential invention of all time. It allowed more learning to occur because of the ability to print more books
Protestant Reformation
When the Roman Catholic Church lost sight of its spiritual mission, and there was a religious revolution
Martin Luther
A German monk, he challenged the Catholic Church by posting 95 theses (changes) that they should make on the front door
A pardon of wrong doing (by paying money)
John Calvin
A Frenchman who started the religion of Calvanism
Believed in predestination (god decides if you will go to. Heaven or he’ll before birth). Calvinism became popular in the city of Geneva and that city became a theocracy
People in France who switched to Calvinism
Henry the 8th
Split from the Roman Catholic Church because he wanted a divorce and they wouldn’t give him one
Religion started by Henry the 8th out of anger (deemed the official religion of England)
Catholic (counter) reformation
The Catholic church changed its way to try and get its followers back.
They spread the (new) beliefs of Christianity
Council of Trent
A group of church leaders that met to decide the way that (the new) Christianity will run