Chapter 15 (1) Flashcards
► Describes a market w/ only a few firms
► These companies = sell a product/service that may or may not be completely standardized –> but is similar enough that they’re in competition
► Wireless network providers (Canadian market: Bell Canada, Rogers, and Telus)
► Fast-food burger chains (i.e., McDonald’s, Harvey’s, and Wendy’s)
Defining features of an oligopoly:
► Price and quantity set by an individual firms affect the others’ profits
○ This stands in contrast to firms in perfectly competitive markets or monopolists
► Perfectly competitive market: other firms’ actions cannot affect the market
► (True) monopolist: there are NO other firms (unless another firm is trying to create a product that can substitute for yours)
If you are in charge of a company in an oligopoly
–> it is a vital part of your job to keep an eye on competitors
The shareholders of Wendy’s would not be impressed if the CEO = had no idea that McDonald’ s = had just introduced a new kind of burger / that Harvey’s was offering promotional discounts on soft drinks
Oligopolies are also characterized by the existence of some barriers to entry
○ Monopoly:
○ Perfect Competition:
► Oligopolies are somewhere in the middle
○ It would be possible to set up as a wireless carrier –> but expensive to construct the infrastructure
► It would be possible to break into the national burger chain market –> but though to overcome established brand loyalties
► Describes a market w/ many firms that sell goods & services that are similar –> but slightly different
► Perfect competition: consumers are indifferent between the products of competing firms
Monopoly: product has no close substitutes
► Between these two extremes = markets in which products have substitutes that are close but not perfect
► Consumers might be willing to pay a bit extra –> but if the price differential = too large, they will choose a substitute product
Name: Monopolistic competition - sounds like a contradiction in terms
but it expresses the idea that firms in such a market have a kind of monopoly –> but in a limited sense
Oligopoly & monopolistic competition –> are often found together
► Oligopoly: about the # of firms
► Monopolistic competition: about the variety of products
► Thus, you can have one w/out the other
► Oligopolies can exist when products are standardized –> monopolistic competition can exist when there are many small firms