Chapter 14: Prepare Materials for Mass Media & Chapter 15: Radio, Television and the Web Flashcards
What is alert/media advisory?
A memo to reporters and editors about a news conference or upcoming event they may wish to cover. Also notify about an interview opportunity, may be sent with accompanying news release.
Advisories, or alerts, let journalists know about an upcoming event such as a news conference or photo or interview opportunities.
What are elements one-page media alert may contain
one-line headline
brief paragraph outlining the story idea r event
journalism’s five Ws and H
Whom to contact for more information
What is a product fact sheet?
is a summary sheet about the characteristics of a new product that serves as a quick reference for a journalist writing a story.
What is a corporate file:
one-page summary in bulleted list format that gives the basic facts about an organization or a company.
What type of headings does a corporate file use?
- the orgs full name
- products or services offered,
- orgs annual revenues
- number of employees
- names and one- paragraph biographies of top executives,
- markets served
- position in the industry,
- an other pertinent details
What materials go into a traditional media kit?
basic news release
a news feature about the product or service
a fact sheet about the product, organization, or event
bios of the spokesperson or chief executives
basic brochure
contact info such as e-mails, phone numbers, and websites
What is the most popular and widely used method to pitch a story?
What are the guidelines for pitching?
Use a succinct(concise) subject line that tells the editor what you have to offer; don’t try to be cute or gimmicky
Get to the point. present a major point or idea in the first paragraph.
Keep the message brief, one screen at the most
Don’t include attachments
Provide links to photos and other background materials as needed
Don’t send “blast” emails to large number of editors
Send tailored e-mail pitches to specific reporters and editors, should be relevant to them
Regularly check the names in your email database to remove redundant recipients
Give editor the option of getting off your email list
Establish a relationship
What is important in preparing a media interview?
Provide a list of expected questions interviewer may ask
provide information to interviewee to help in making interview informative and entertaining
Provide interviewer with background information on interview
Determine purpose of interview
What is important in writing a speech?
use personal pronoun– Research is the first step
Avoiding modifiers is an important “don’t” of speechwriting
avoid jargon
use simple words + vary sentence length
What is important in giving a speech?
Nonverbal communication is as important in giving a presentation as the words
Eye contact
Kinetics (motion)
What is VNR?
Video News Release (video segment that looks like a news report but is created by someone)
What are guidelines for VNR?
give TV news directors maximum flexibility in editing
Produce VNR w. news footage in mind
Provide local angle
include graphics + animation
never use a stand-up reporter
What is a ANR?
Audio News Release
written for the ear
expensive to produce
What is a PSA?
UNPAID announcement that promotes the programs of government or voluntary agencies (nonprofit/civic) that serve the public interest
What is product placement?
“Plugs”- or negotiations for selected items to appear on TV shows or in movies
mutually beneficial
What are SMTs?
Satellite Media courts: Pre-booked, one-on-one interviews (via satellite) from a fixed location with journalists or talk show hosts.
What are do’s and don’ts of SMT’s
Do’s: relevant + local angle, visually appealing set, credible spokesperson
Don’t: make it commercial like, dishonest about content
What is the SPEAK method?
method: non-verbal cues
Eye contact
Kinetics (motion)
PSA v. corporate advertising
Even if the messages presented are in the public interest, corporations have to purchase time or space for their ads (PSA are unpaid)
PSA v. commercials
commercials are CONTROLLED media
paid placement and timing
PSA use UNcontrolled media
Commercials promote marketplace transitions
PSAs promote socials causes and behavior change
**paid commercials promoting social causes and behavior are NOT PSAs
ANR v. press release
ANR is:
written for the ear
expensive to produce
What are the problems with celebrity endorsements, as suggested by your textbook?
Public sometimes can’t remember who endorses what
Overexposure of a celebrity, earn millions annually from multiple products (ex: Beyonce)
Endorser’s actions undercut the product or service
When a celeb decides to speak out on controversial public issues and even endorses political candidates