Chapter 14: Personality Flashcards
An individual’s characteristic patterns of through to, feelings, and behaviors persisting over time.
Who created the psychodynamic theory?
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud believed that personality is motivated by subconscious inner forces.
What are the 3 subconscious inner forced and conflicts?
Conscience, pre-conscience, unconscious
Describe pre-conscious
Pre-conscious is the info outside our attention, but readily available if needed. Such as our cell phone number, address, birth dates of friends and family members.
According to Freud, what are the 3 personality structure components?
The id, superego, ego
The pleasure principle that wants instant gratification.
The id
Our moral and ethical restraints, based on the rights and wrongs of society handed down by a person’s parents.
The Superego
The reality principle
The Ego
What are our 7 defense mechanisms?
Repression, regression, reaction formation, projection, rationalization, displacement, and denial.
The push back of an unpleasant memory in the unconscious.
Reversion to an earlier state of development.
Converting unwanted thoughts into their opposites.
Reaction formation
Misattribution of a person’s undesired thoughts onto another person.
Putting a different light in the face of a changing reality.
Redirection of thoughts/feelings directed at one person, but taken out upon another person or object.
Refusal to accept reality.
Who invented the humanistic theory?
Abraham Maslow
What are the 5 humanistic needs?
Self-actualization, esteem needs, belongingness & love needs, safety needs, biological & physiological needs.
Who invented the Person-centered theory?
Carl Rogers
What are the 3 components in the Person-centered theory?
Genuineness, acceptance, empathy.
Learning occurs within a social context.
Social Cognitive Theory
Which psychologist focused on how we interact with our environment?
Albert Bandura
Who created the 5 personality theory? Think Ocean
D.W. Fiske
Social leaders, talkative and high amounts of emotional expression is what type of personality?
High levels of thoughtfulness, good impulses control, goal-directed behaviors is what type of personality?
Care about others, feels empathy, enjoys helping others is what type of personality?
Creative, open to trying new thing, tacking new challenges is what type of personality?
Feels anxious, gets upset easily, struggles to bounce back after stressful events is what type of personality?
What does the word “Ocean” remind you of?
Open, conscientious, extroversion, agreeable, neuroticism.