Chapter 14: Leading Teams Flashcards
a unit of two or more people who interact and coordinate their work to accomplish a common goal to which they are committed and hold themselves mutually accountable.
What are the 5 elements of effective teamwork/ requirements of teamwork?
Team Members…
- focus on a shared mission
- trust one another
- willing to sacrifice for the team
- communicate their objectives and needs
- pull together in the same direction
Effective teams can provide many advantages. What are 5 contributions teams make?
These 5 things lead to a ______ _________ and higher ________ ________.
- Creativity and innovation
- Improved Quality
- Speed of response
- Higher Productivity/Lower Costs
- Employee satisfaction/motivation
- competitive advantage
- organizational performance
the tendency for the presence of others to enhance one’s performance. Simply being around others has an energizing effect.
social facilitation
What are two common types of teams in organizations?
Organizations also use ____-______ teams to increase employee participation
- Functional and cross-functional
- self-managed
What type of team does this describe:
a manager and his or her subordinates in the formal chain of command.
functional (includes workers from same job department, ex: everyone on the team is apart of the engineering department of the organization; includes different levels of hierarchy)
What type of team does this describe:
employees from about the same hierarchical level but different areas of expertise.
cross-functional (includes workers from various departments of the organization)
What type of team does this describe:
typically consist of 5 to 20 multiskilled workers who rotate jobs to produce an entire product or service or at least one complete aspect or portion of a product or service.
self-managed (ex: engine assembly)
What are the 3 primary reasons that teams present a dilemma for many people?
- We have to give up our independence
- We have to put up with free riders
- Teams are sometimes dysfunctional
team members who attain benefits but do not actively contribute
free riders
What are 5 common dysfunctions of teams?
- Lack of trust
- Fear of conflict (people go along with others for the sake of harmony; don’t express conflicting opinions)
- Lack of commitment
- Avoidance of accountability
- Inattention to results (members put personal ambition or the needs of their individual departments ahead of collective results)
Work team effectiveness is based on what 3 outcomes?
- Productive output
- Personal satisfaction
- The capacity to adapt and learn
performance and the quality and quantity of task outputs
productive output
the team’s ability to meet the personal needs of its members
personal saitsfaction
the ability of teams to bring greater knowledge and skills to job tasks and enhance the potential of the organization to respond to new threats or opportunities in the environment.
capacity to adapt and learn
Work Team Effectiveness Model:
- The factors that influence team effectiveness begin with the ______ ________.
- Within that context, managers define teams. Important team characteristics are its ____ and _______.
- These team characteristics influence ________ that are internal to the team, which, in turn, affect output, satisfaction, and the team’s contribution to organizational adaptability.
- organizational context (includes matters such as leadership, strategy, environment, culture, and reward/ control systems
- type (formal/virtual/self-managed) and composition (size/diversity/roles)
- processes (stages of development/cohesiveness/norms/conflict resolution)
a group made up of geographically or organizationally dispersed members who are linked primarily through advanced information and telecommunications
virtual team (can be local, national, or global)
a cross-border team made up of members of different nationalities whose activities span multiple countries.
global team
What are 3 advantages of virtual teams?
- Ability to assemble the most talented group of people
- Diversity
- Eliminates travel
A challenge for virtual teams is building _______ and _______.
rapport; trust
What are 3 things that effective virtual team leaders do?
- Use virtual technology to build relationships
- Shape culture through virtual technology
- Monitor progress and rewards
After deciding the type of team to use, the next issue of concern to managers is designing the team for greatest effectiveness. Team characteristics of particular concern are ______, ________, and ______ ______-.
size, diversity, member roles
T or F: numerous studies have found that smaller teams perform better.
- Teams need to be large enough to incorporate the _____ _____ needed to complete a task, enable members to express good and bad feelings, and aggressively solve problems.
- They also should be small enough to permit members to feel an ______ ______ of the team and to ________ effectively and efficiently.
- Team size is usually between ___ and ____ people.
- diverse skills
- intimate part; communicate
- 3-6
T or F: diverse teams produce more innovative solutions to problems
Both ________ diversity and ________ diversity can have a positive impact on work team performance.
functional; demographic
- Diversity is often a source of _______.
- Diversity may contribute to a healthy level of _________ that leads to better decision making.
- creativity
- disagreement