Chapter 11: Leadership Flashcards
the ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals.
T or F: Many different styles of leadership can be effective.
Influence means the relationship among people is not _________. Moreover, influence is designed to achieve some end or goal.
Leadership is ________, occurring among people.
The concept of leadership ________ as the needs of organizations change.
This may be affected by the following (7 things):
- Ethical/economic difficulties
- Corporate governance concerns
- globalization
- changes in technology
- new ways of working
- shifting employee expectations
- significant social transitions
T or F: A significant influence on leadership styles in recent years is the turbulence and uncertainty of the environment.
True (examples of this are the 7 things listed in the card before this one)
What are the 4 approaches that are in tune with leadership for today’s turbulent times?
Which of these is associated with women’s style of leading?
- Level 5 leadership
- servant leadership
- authentic leadership
- interactive leadership (associated with women’s style of leading)
Level 5 leadership refers to the ________ level in a hierarchy of manager capabilities.
What are the 5 levels in the Level 5 Hierarchy?
- Level 1: Capable (Individual)
- Level 2: Contributing (Team Member)
- Level 3: Competent (Manager)
- Level 4: Effective (Leader)
- Level 5: Level 5 (Executive)
Match each of the following definitions to which level in the level 5 hierarchy they describe:
a. contributes individually; works well in group
b. stimulates high standards; champions dedication to vision
c. manages team members and assets to reach set objectives
d. contributes talent, skills knowledge
e. builds excellence through dedication and humility
a. Level 2: Contributing (Team Member)
b. Level 4: Effective (Leader)
c. Level 3: Competent (Manager)
d. Level 1: Capable (Individual)
e. Level 5: Level 5 (executive)
A key characteristic of Level 5 leaders is an almost complete lack of ______ (_______) coupled with a fierce resolve to do what is best for the organization (______).
- ego (humility)
- will
being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful.
(level 5 leaders often seem shy and self-effacing rather than larger-than-life personalities with strong egos and big ambitions)
transcends self-interest to serve others, the organization, and society; a leader who serves others by working to fulfill followers’ needs and goals, as well as to achieve the organization’s larger mission.
servant leader (put aside their own emotions and desires)
In organizations, servant leaders operate on two levels:
1. For the ________ of their subordinate’s goals and needs, and
2. For the _________ of the larger purpose or mission of their organization.
- fulfillment
- realization
refers to individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistent with higher-order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness and authenticity.
authentic leadership
T or F: Servant leaders stay true to one’s values and beliefs, and act based on one’s true self rather than emulating what others do.
False; AUTHENTIC leadership
_________ leaders inspire trust and commitment because they respect diverse viewpoints, encourage collaboration, and help others learn, grow, and develop as leaders.
What are the 5 components of authentic leadership?
- Pursues purpose with passion
- Practices solid values (have values shaped by their personal beliefs, and they stay true to them even under pressure. People come to know what the leader stands for, which inspires trust.)
- Connects with others
- Demonstrates self-discipline
- Leads with the heart as well as the head
means that the leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority. (leadership style characterized by values such as inclusion, collaboration, relationship building, and caring)
interactive leadership
Although both men and women can practice interactive leadership, research indicates that (men’s/women’s) style of leadership is typically different from that of most (men/women) and is particularly suited to interactive leadership.
women’s; men
Who is rated higher in each of the following leadership behaviors listed, men or women?
a. developing others
b. driving for results
c. inspiring and motivating others
d. solving problems
e. building relationships
f. analyzing issues
a. women
b. women
c. women
d. women and men equal
e. women
f. women and men equal
An executive who prioritizes the organization’s mission and the needs and goals of subordinates, rather than ego gratification and personal success, can be described as:
a. An interactive leader
b. A Machiavellian leader
c. A servant leader
d. An authoritarian leader
c. A servant leader
T or F: Management and leadership reflect two different sets of qualities and skills that frequently overlap within a single individual.
True (managers and leaders have different qualities/skills that overlap)
Match the following to if they describe manager or leadership qualities:
1. focus on the organization
2. focus on people
3. visionary
4. rational
5. promotes change
6. maintains stability
7. assigns tasks
8. defines purpose
9. nurtures
10. organizes
11. innovates
12. analyzes
13. position power
14. personal power
Manager Qualities:
1. focus on the organization
4. rational
6. maintains stability
7. assigns tasks
10. organizes
12. analyzes
13. position power
Leadership Qualities:
2. focus on people
3. visionary
5. promotes change
8. defines purpose
9. nurtures
11. innovates
14. personal power
T or F: Leadership can replace management.
False; CANNOT– it should be in addition to management
the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, self-confidence, and even appearance.
T or F: Early research looked at leaders who had achieved a level of greatness, and found that there was a strong relationship between personal traits and leader success.
False; found only a WEAK relationship
T or F: The appropriateness of a trait or set of traits depends on the leadership situation.
Effective leaders typically possess ________ traits, and no single leader can have a complete set of characteristics that is appropriate for handling any problem, challenge, or opportunity that comes along.
natural talents and abilities that have been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills and provide each individual with his or her best tools for accomplishment and satisfaction.
What are the two types of leadership behaviors that have been identified as applicable to effective leadership?
- Task-oriented behavior
- People-oriented behavior
people-oriented behavior and is the extent to which the leader is mindful of subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust.
the extent to which the leader is task-oriented and directs subordinate work activities toward goal attainment.
initiating structure
a two-dimensional leadership model that measures the leader’s concern for people and concern for production to categorize the leader in one of five different leadership styles.
leadership grid
What are the 5 types of management in the Leadership Grid?
- Country-Club Management
- Team Management
- Middle-of-the-Road Management
- Impoverished Management
- Authority-Compliance
Which type of management in the Leadership Grid does the following describe?
work accomplishment is from committed people; interdependence through a common stake in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect; is considered the most effective style; scaled as (9,9), which means it has a high concern for people and production
team management
Which type of management in the Leadership Grid does the following describe?
thoughtful attention to the needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo; scaled as (1,9), which means it has a low concern for production and high concern for people.
country-club management
Which type of management in the Leadership Grid does the following describe?
efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree; efficiency in operations is the dominant orientation; scaled as (9,1), which means it has a high concern for production and low concern for people.
Which type of management in the Leadership Grid does the following describe?
adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level; scaled as (5,5), which means it has a moderate amount of concern for both people and production.
middle-of-the-road management
Which type of management in the Leadership Grid does the following describe?
exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership; the absence of a management philosophy, managers exert little effort toward interpersonal relationships or work accomplishment; scaled as (1,1), which means a low concern for both people and production
impoverished management
A model of leadership that describes the relationship between leadership styles and specific situations.
contingency approaches
________ _________ to leadership explore how the organizational situation influences leader effectiveness.
contingency approaches (includes the situational model, the leadership model, and the substitutes-for-leadership concept)
The ________ ________ of leadership focuses attention on the characteristics of followers in determining appropriate leadership behavior.
situational model
In relation to the situational model, the point of the model is that subordinates vary in readiness, which is determined by the degree of _______ and _______ that a subordinate demonstrates while performing a specific task.
willingness; ability
A leadership model that links the leader’s behavioral style with the readiness level of followers.
situational model
The Situational Model of Leadership:
- What style of leadership is a highly directive style and involves giving explicit instructions about how tasks should be accomplished?
- What style of leadership is one in which the leader explains decisions and gives subordinates a chance to ask questions and gain clarity and understanding about work tasks?
- What style of leadership is one in which the leader shares ideas with subordinates, gives them a chance to participate, and facilitates decision making?
- What style of leadership provides little direction and little support because the leader turns over responsibility for decisions and their implementation to subordinates?
- telling style
- selling style
- participating style
- delegating style
Describe whether each of the following leadership styles in the Situational Model of Leadership works best when there is a low, moderate, or high follower readiness:
a. delegating style
b. participating style
c. selling style
d. telling style
a. high follower readiness (able and willing or confident)
b. moderate follower readiness (able but unwilling or insecure)
c. moderate follower readiness (unable but willing or confident)
d. low follower readiness (unable and unwilling or insecure)
The selling and telling style of leadership in the situational model of leadership is (leader/follower) directed.
The delegating and participating style of leadership in the situational model of leadership is (leader/follower) directed.
For each of the leadership styles in the situational model of leadership, describe whether each has a high or low task behavior (guidance), and whether each has a high or low relationship behavior (supportive behavior):
1. Delegating Style: task behavior = (high/low), relationship behavior= (high/low)
2. Participating Style: task behavior = (high/low), relationship behavior= (high/low)
3. Selling Style: task behavior = (high/low), relationship behavior= (high/low)
4. Telling Style: task behavior = (high/low), relationship behavior= (high/low)
- low; low
- low; high
- high; high
- high; low
The starting point for Fiedler’s Contingency theory is the extent to which the leader’s style is _______-oriented or __________(________)-oriented.
task; relationship (people)
T or F: Fiedler considered a person’s leadership style to be relatively fixed and difficult to change; therefore, the basic idea is to match the leader’s style with the situation most favorable for his or her effectiveness.
In regards to Fiedler’s Contingency Theory, the favorability of a leadership situation can be analyzed in terms of what three elements?
- The quality of relationships between leader and followers (leader-member relations)
- The degree of task structure (task structure)
- The extent to which the leader has formal authority over followers (leader position power)
Fiedler’s Contingency Theory:
- ________-oriented leaders are more effective when the situation is either highly favorable or highly unfavorable.
- ________-oriented leaders are more effective in situations of moderate favorability
- task
- relationship (people)
A ________ _____ _______ makes the leadership style unnecessary or redundant.
substitute for leadership (organizational settings in which a leadership style is unimportant or unnecessary)
A __________ counteracts the leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors.
neutralizer (ex: if a leader has absolutely no position power or is physically removed from subordinates, the leader’s ability to give directions to subordinates is greatly reduced.)
Some leadership approaches are more effective than others for bringing about high levels of commitment and enthusiasm. Two types with a substantial impact are _________ and _________.
charismatic; transformational
a leader who has the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice.
charismatic leader (ex: Hitler, Jesus)
The impact of charismatic leaders comes from what 3 things?
- Stating a lofty vision
- Displaying an ability to understand and empathize with followers
- Empowering and trusting subordinates to accomplish results
T or F: Charismatic leaders tend to be less predictable because they create an atmosphere of change, and they may be obsessed by visionary ideas that excite, stimulate, and drive other people to work hard.
_________ leaders are similar to charismatic leaders, but they are distinguished by their special ability to bring about innovation and change.
A leader distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change by creating an inspiring vision, shaping values, building relationships, and providing meaning for followers.
transformational leaders
A leader who clarifies subordinates’ roles and task requirements, initiates structure, provides rewards, and displays consideration for followers.
transactional leaders
What are the top 5 qualities for leaders?
- Honest
- Competent
- Forward-looking
- Inspiring
- Intelligent
What are the top 5 qualities for followers?
- Honest
- Competent
- Dependable
- Cooperative
- Loyal
What are the 5 Styles of Followership?
- Conformist
- Passive
- Pragmatic Survivor
- Effective
- Alienated
Match each description to which stye of followership it describes?
a.passive, yet independent, critical thinker
b. participates actively but doesn’t use critical thinking skills (active, dependent/uncritical thinking)
c. behavior depends on which style fits with the prevalent situation
d. passive, dependent/uncritical thinking
e. both a critical, independent thinker and active in the organization
a. alienated
b. conformist
c. pragmatic survivor
d. passive
e. effective
the potential ability to influence the behavior of others.
the effect that a person’s actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others.
The traditional manager’s power comes from the __________.
organization (hard power)
What are the 3 types of power that fall under hard position power?
- legitimate power
- reward power
- coercive power
the power coming from a formal management position in an organization and the authority granted to it.
legitimate power
power that stems from the authority to bestow rewards on other people.
reward power (managers may have access to formal rewards, such as pay increases or promotions. they also have at their disposal rewards such as praise, attention, and recognition. managers can use rewards to influence subordinates’ behavior.)
Power that stems from the authority to punish or recommend punishment.
coercive power
Personal power most often comes from (external/internal) sources, such as an individual’s special knowledge or personal characteristics.
What are the 2 types of personal soft power?
- Expert power
- Referent power
Power resulting from a person’s special knowledge or skill regarding the tasks being performed
expert power
power that comes from an individual’s personal characteristics that command others’ identification, respect, and admiration so that they wish to emulate that individual.
referent power
What are 3 other sources of power that aren’t linked to a particular person or position, but rather to the role that an individual plays in the overall functioning of the organization?
- Personal effort
- Network of relationships
- Information
What are the 6 interpersonal influence tactics for leaders?
- Use rational persuasion (people who use facts and data are more likely to have an influence)
- Help people to like you (people that like you are more likely to do as told)
- Rely on the rule of reciprocity (leaders who do favors for others can expect that others will do favors for them in return)
- Develop allies
- Ask for what you want (leaders must be explicit about what they want or they aren’t likely to get it.)
- Appeal to higher authority (sometimes, to get things done, leaders must use their formal authority as well as gain the support of people at higher levels to back them up)
(All of these circle around assert your influence.)