Chapter 14 - Disorders of childhood Flashcards
Meta- analysis
Statistical thecnique for summarising results across several studies.
Attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD)
Disorder marked by deficits in attention, controlling impulses and regulating activity levels.
Executive functions
Functions of the brain that involve the ability to sustain attention; use abstract reasoning; plan, initiate and monitor goal-directed behaviours; and shift from maladaptive patterns of behaviour to more adaptive ones.
Specific learning disorder
Disorder of learning characterised by lower than expected performance in a particular area of learning relative to the child’s chronological age and intellectual ability.
Reading disorder
Learning disorder involving deficits in reading ability.
Percentage indicating the degree to which genes contribute to the development of a disorder.
Autism spectrum disorder
Characterised by impairments in social communication and interaction, and repetitive behaviours, interests and activities.
Concordance rate
Probability that both members of a twin pair will develop the same disorder.
The period occurring before birth.
The period occurring around the time of birth.
Intellectual disability
Group of disorders characterised by deficits in intellectual and adaptive functioning.
Pervasive developmental disorders
Disorders characterised by severe and persisting impairment in several areas of development.
The period occurring after birth
Externalising disorders
Broad categorisation of childhood disorders that includes disorders characterised by problems of under-control, where behaviours are directed at others (such as conduct disorder).
Oppositional defiant disorder
Disorder of chrnic misbehaviour in children marked by belligerence, irritability and defiance.
Conduct disorder
Disorder marked by chronic disregard for the rights of others, including specific behaviours such as stealing, lying and engaging in acts of violence.
Substance (such as testosterone) producing male characteristics.
Correlation study
Type of study in which researchers assess only the relationship between two variables and do not manipulate one variable to determine its effect on another variable (as in an experimental study).
Experimental study
Type of study that can address the issue of causality given that the independent variable is directly manipulated so that its effect on the dependent variable can be examined.
Seperation anxiety disorder
Disorder of childhood characterised by abnormal fear or worry over becoming seperated from one’s caregivers as well as clining behaviour in the presence of caregivers.
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Type of psychological treatment that combines both cognitive and behavioural concepts and techniques.
Selective mutism
Disorder characterised by a persistent failure to speak in certain settings even though the individual has the ability to speak.
Elimination disorder in children who are at least 5 years of age and who wet the bed or their clothes at least twice a week for three months.
Elimination disorder in children who are at least 4 years old and who defecate inappropriately at least once a month for three months.
Parasympathetic nervous system
Part of the autonomic nervous system that is involved in maintaining bodily systems (such as breathing and digestion) when the organism is not active or aroused.
Bell and pad method
Treatment for enuresis in which a pad placed under a sleeping child to detect traces of urine sets of a bell when urine is detected, so as to condition the child to wake up and use the bathroom before urinating.