Chapter 11 - Sexual and relationship problems Flashcards
Sexual dysfunctions
Disorders characterised by some type of disturbance in the phases of sexual functioning including desire, arousal and orgasm.
Desire phase
Stage of sexual functioning characterised by the urge or inclination to engage in sexual activity.
Arousal phase
Stage of sexual functioning characterised by the subjective experience of pleasure and excitement as well as physiological changes (such as the tensing of muscles and enlargement of blood vessels).
Stage of sexual functioning characterised by the discharge of neuromuscular tension built up during sexual activity; in men, entails rhythmic contractions of the prostate, seminal vesicles, vas deferens and penis, and seminal discharge; in women, entails contractions of the orgasmic platform and uterus.
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
Sexual dysfunction in which an individual’s desire for sex is diminished to the point that it causes him/her significant distress or interpersonal difficulties and is not due to transient life circumstances or another sexual dysfunction.
Erectile disorder
Sexual dysfunction in men entailing recurrent inability to attain or maintain an erection until the completion of sexual activity.
Female sexual arousal disorder
Sexual dysfunction in women characterised by recurrent inability to attain or maintain the swelling-lubrication response of sexual excitement.
Condition in which the blood supply through the blood vessels is excessive and is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke (also known as high blood pressure).
Delayed ejaculation
When an individual experiences a marked difficulty or inability to ejaculate.
Premature ejaculation
Sexual dysfunction characterised by a man’s inability to delay ejaculation after minimal sexual stimulation or until he wishes to ejaculate, causing significant distress or interpersonal problems.
Female orgasmic disorder
Sexual dysfunction in women characterised by recurrent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal excitement period (also termed ‘anorgasmia’).
State characterised by negative affect and bodily symptoms of tension accompanied by the anticipation of future danger or misfortune.
Performance anxiety
Anxiety regarding sexual performance that interferes with sexual functioning.
Behaviour therapy
Array of treatment techniques, often based on the principles of learning, that aim to change an individual’s specific behaviours by replacing unwanted behaviours with desired ones.
Sensate focus exercises
Treatment for sexual dysfunctions in which partners alternate between giving and receiving stimulation in a relaxed atmosphere in which sexual intercourse is forbidden so as to reduce pressure; partners communicate openly with each other regarding their preferred types of bodily pleasuring.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Type of psychological treatment that combines both cognitive and behavioural concepts and techniques.
Substance (such as testosterone) producing male characteristics.
Group of female sex hormones produced by the ovary.
Atypical sexual activities that involve one of the following: (a) nonhuman objects; (b) non-consenting adults; (c) the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one’s partner; and (d) children.
Exhibitionistic disorder
A paraphilic disorder that involves a person obtaining intense sexual arousal from exposing his/her genitals to an involuntary observer, generally a complete stranger.
Fetishistic disorder
The use of non-living objects or a highly specific non-genital body part (e.g., feet, toes, hair) to obtain sexual arousal.
Frotteuristic disorder
A paraphilia that leads to the person, usually a younger male, to obtain sexual gratification from touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person.
Paedophilic disorder
When a person has intensive, recurrent sexual fantasies, urges or sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children of either sex.
Sexual sadistic disorder
The experience of sexual arousal from the physical or psychological suffering of another person.
Sexual masochistic disorder
The erotic excitement a person experiences from such activities as being humiliated, beaten, bound or otherwise made to suffer.
Transvestic disorder
When men who view themselves as make become sexually aroused by the process of cross-dressing.
Gender identity disorder
Disorder in which the individual believes that s/he was born with the wrong sex’s genitals and is fundamentally a person of the opposite sex.
Voyeuristic disorder
The experience of being sexually aroused by secretly watching another person, usually a stranger, undressing, bathing, engaging in sexual activity or being naked.
Social skills training
Behavioural technique that aims to help clients with problems in interacting and communicating with others.
Habitual and enduring ways of thinking, feeling and acting.
Statistical technique for summarising results across several studies.
Cross-sectional design
Type of research examining participants at one point in time but now following them over time (as in longitudinal design).