Chapter 14 - assumptions Flashcards
General considerations when setting assumptions
- consider the use to which the assumptions will be put (U)
- take care over choice of assumptions that will have the most financial significance (F)
- achieve consistency between various assumptions (C)
- consider any legislation or regulatory constraint (L)
- consider the needs of the client (N)
- ensure parameters derived from the data are as accurate as possible (A)
- ensure that data used to derive the assumptions are relevant to the risks that the policy encompasses (R)
- ensure that bases used for periodic review and reserves are flexible to reflect changing circumstances (F)
General process for setting assumptions
- investigate historical experience and make best estimates of the parameters from that experience
- consider what the conditions will be like in the future period for which you are making the assumptions
- determine what the best estimates of your assumptions will be given the expected future conditions
- the best estimates may need to be adjusted in order to include a margin for prudence
Book rating
The past experience of the insured is not taken into account when determining the premium
How can adverse experience be allowed for in a cashflow model
- assessing what margins to apply to the expected value
- stochastic approach
- risk discount rate
What does price depend on?
- the competitive nature of the market
- the company’s unique selling proposition
- risk appetite
- credibility, accuracy and up-to-dateness of the data
- size of free assets or parental guarantee
What should be considered when preparing published accounts?
- going concern basis or break up basis
- whether accounts are required to show a true and fair value
- whether reserves are required to be assessed as best estimate or some other basis
the present value of future shareholders profits in respect of existing business, including the release of shareholder-owned net assets
Appraisal value
- the value of the business as a whole, both the existing business and the future new business
- if being prepared as a sale value, then likely to be based on realistic assumptions
- a purchase value may be based on cautious assumptions
Calculation of EV
Has two parts
- shareholder’s share of net assets (excess of assets held over those required to meet liabilities)
- present value of future shareholder profits
For conventional with profits
- the PV of future premiums plus investment income less claims and expenses plus release of supervisory reserve
For without profit:
- release of margins within supervisory reserves relative to the assumptions used in the EV calculation