Chapter 14: And the War Came: The Civil War Flashcards
Time Period of Civil War
Anaconda Plan
- North strategy through navy blockade and control of Mississippi River to cut off South
Iron Clad
- new wood covered with metal battleship that would change naval warfare
Foote, Grant & Admiral Faragut
- construct snake and take New Orleans
Bull Run/Manassas
1st true battle that ended in a Confederate victory, unexpected destruction and both armies did not know what to do
4750 deaths
Army of the Potomac
- Union army whose generals are switched after Bull Run/Manassas
Ermic McDowell
general of Union army
George McClelland
commander of Union army, more reserved in his use of army
eventually fired for his failure to efficiently use the army
Battle of Shiloh
North victory at major South rail line(Corinth, MS) where US realizes the seriousness of the war
Union assumes control of all rivers
Robert E. Lee
- more audacious general of Confederacy, sticks to his home state of Virginia
Battle at Antietam Creek
- Union victory in Sharpsburg, MD that will influence English support, 23,000 deaths
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
- assists Robert E. Lee with Confederate army
Contraband of War
- the idea that since slaves were deemed property, they could be taken by Union from South after Union victories
General Butler
- first general to put into action slave contraband plan
John C. Fremont
emancipates slavery in Missouri but Lincoln is furious and reversed it(slavery is still a delicate subject)
Emancipation Proclamation
- Congress and entirety of America scared(hang a wolf by its ears)
- Goes into effect January 1st, 1863
- Lincoln’s strategy to convince the South to join the nation
General Nathan B. Forest
- Confederate that massacres blacks at Fort Pillow
- founded KKK
Black Soldiers in the Army
- 1/5 adult population
- will eventually be given equal pay as white soldiers
- 54th regiment of Massachusetts