Chapter 14 Flashcards
What was the process of the Protestant Reformation
Practises and beliefs of Henrican Church were removed before establishment of Protestantism
What opposition was there to Protestant Reformation
- Gentry opposed to radical theologican reform
- Due to foreign affairs
Acronym for 1547 reforms
Bishops PERCH
Bishops in 1547 reforms acronym
- In early 1547 authority of Bishop’s suspended
- Commissionors sent to investigate Parishes across England
P in 1547 reforms acroynm
Practises like burning candles before rood screen banned
E in 1547 reforms acroynm
All parishes have an English Bible, and Protestant literature avaliable
R in 1547 reforms acroynm
Repeal of Six Articles and Treason Act in November/December 1547
C in 1547 reforms acroynm
Dissolution of the Chantries, November 1547 for doctrinal reasons, rather than Henry’s financial reasons
H in 1547 reforms acroynm
Cranmer issues Book of Homilies written in English to replace sermons preached, with one arguing justification by faith alone
Why was the Dissolution of the Chantries, November 1547 so radical
For Catholics, attack on their eternal lives
Significance of repealing of Six Articles and Treason Act in November/December of 1547
- Left the Church without an official doctrine
- Allowed people to spread religous vieww without the fear of arrest or imprisonemnt
What physical evidence is there that in many places, the 1547 reforms were accepted well
Why did the people in the counties of Devon and Cornish oppose Edwardian reforms so much
- Mostly spoke Cornish
- Saw enforcement of English mass and bible as a threat to their independance
Acronym for further Edwardian Reforms
3 in further Edwardian reforms acroynm
- Laws against clerical marriage removed in Novemebr 1549
- Stone altars replace wooden ones in November 1550
- New Ordinal in 1550, ensured priests were truly Protestant replacing Catholic sympathisers
T in TUMP in further Edwardian reforms acroynm
Transubstantiation not reffered to
U in TUMP in further Edwardian reforms acroynm
Act of Uniformity passed one month later after first Book of Common Prayer, December 1549
M in TUMP in further Edwardian reforms acroynm
Mass in English
P in TUMP in further Edwardian reforms acroynm
Practises like exorcising a child with salt at baptism removed
When first Book of Common Prayer
December 1549 to provide liturgy to be used in all parish Chuches
When second Book of Common Prayer
January 1552
T in TUA in further Edwardian reforms acroynm
Transubstantiation openly rejected in favour of consubstantiation
U in TUA in further Edwardian reforms acroynm
Second Act of Uniformity passed in April 1552
A in TUA in further Edwardian reforms acronym
Treason Act at same time made questioning Royal Supremacy of articles of Church punishable by death
42 in further Edwardian reforms acronym
42 Articles issued by Cranmer in November 1552, providing a doctrine for the Church
Personally, to what was Cranmer moving more towards under Edward
Away from Lutheranism, towards views of Zwingli