Chapter 14 Flashcards
The average weather conditions of a location or region over time
Present-day warming of the world’s climate that most scientists believe is likely to continue and is at least partly caused by human activities
Global Warming
The realm of human activity
The sun varies in total energy output, variously expressed as ___ or ___
Solar Luminosity or Radiant Flux
A relatively cold period, when Earth’s ice cover greatly exceeded its present extent
Glaciation (or glacial period or Ice Age)
A relatively warm period, when Earth’s ice cover and climate resembled those of the present day
Interglaciation (or interglacial period)
Dark, relatively cool spots that are visible on the surface of the sun
The period of dramatically low sunspot activity from 1645 to 1717, had very harsh winters and cold weather
Maunder Minimum
Departure from circularity
The combined influences of astronomical-orbital factors that produce changes in Earth’s climate
Milankovitch Cycles
The reflectivity of a surface, as a percentage of total reflected radiation
Extremely fine, suspended particles of dust, volcanic ash, ice, pollutants, and other substances
___ clouds are high-altitude and have a net effect of warming, wispy clouds have low albedos, allows the shortwave radiation to pass through it and absorb some of the outgoing long wave radiation - re-radiating it back down to the surface
___ clouds are low-altitude, thicker and less transparent. They have high albedos and reflect incoming solar energy back to Elon’s Satellites in space but also trap outgoing longwave energy and send it back to the surface
The warmer ocean temperature that likely contributed to a rise in global surface temperature that culminated about 55 million years ago in an event termed ___
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum