Chapter 13 - The Juvenile Justice System Flashcards
parens patriae
a doctrine that holds that the state has a responsibility to look after the well-being of children and to assume the role of parent if necessary
status offender
a juvenile who has engaged in behavior deemed unacceptable for those under a certain statutorily determined age
juvenile delinquency
behavior that is illegal under federal or state law that has been committed by a person who is under an age limit specified by statute
overt acts taken by students with the goal of intimidating , harassing, or humiliating other students
aging out
a term used to explain the fact that criminal activity declines with age
age of onset
the age at which a juvenile first exhibits delinquent behavior
child abuse
mistreatment of children by causing physical, emotional, or sexual damage without any plausible explanation, such as an accident
child neglect
a form of child abuse in which the child is denied certain necessities such as shelter, food, care, and love
youth gang
a self-formed group of youths with several identifiable characteristics, including a gang name and other recognizable symbols, a geographic territory, and participation in illegal activities
low-visibility decision making
a term used to describe the discretionary power police have in determining what to do with misbehaving juveniles
the notification process through which a law enforcement officer or other concerned citizen makes the juvenile court aware of a juvenile’s unlawful or unruly conduct
the process by which an official of the court must decide whether to file a petition, release the juvenile, or place the juvenile under some other form of supervision
the document filed with a juvenile court alleging that the juvenile is a delinquent or a status offender and requesting that the court either hear the case or transfer it to an adult court
judicial waiver
the process in which the juvenile judge, based on the facts of the case at hand, decides that the alleged offender should be transferred to adult court
automatic transfer
the process by which a juvenile is transferred to adult court as a matter of state law