Chapter 13: Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Flashcards
What is the sexual response cycle?
- sequence of changes that occur in the body with increased sexual arousal, orgasm, and the return to an unaroused state
What is the Kaplan model of sexual response?
- desire,
excitement, and orgasm - important contribution of Kaplan’s work was the distinction of desire as primarily a psychological component to the sexual response
What are 3 potential phases of dysfunction?
- desire
- arousal
- orgasm
→ subtypes: lifelong, acquired, generalized, situational
What is male hypoactive sexual desire disorder?
- persistently or recurrently deficient (or absent) sexual/erotic thoughts or fantasies and desire for sexual activity
- symptoms must be distressing and present for a minimum of 6 months
What is female sexual interest/arousal disorder?
- amalgamate interest and arousal into one disorder
→ based on findings from several studies indicating that the processes of desire and arousal overlap for
many women
What is male erectile disorder?
- persistent or recurrent inability to reach or sustain an erection “until completion of the sexual activity”
- resultant distress
What is female orgasmic disorder?
- “anorgasmia”
- persistent or recurrent
delay in, or absence of, orgasm, following normal excitement, causing marked distress or interpersonal difficulty - pretty much the same with male orgasmic disorder
What is genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder?
- used to be “dyspareunia” and “vaginismus”
- amalgamated due to difficulty to reliably differentiate between the two measures of pain and pelvic muscle tension
What is the DSM-V diagnosis for genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder?
- persistent or recurrent difficulties with one or more of the following:
→ vaginal penetration during intercourse;
→ marked vulvovaginal or pelvic pain during vaginal intercourse or penetration attempts;
→ marked fear or anxiety about vulvovaginal or pelvic pain in anticipation of, during, or as a result of vaginal penetration;
→ and marked tensing or tightening of the pelvic floor muscles during attempted vaginal penetration - present for at least 6 months and cause distress
What is sexual performance anxiety?
- response of individuals who worry that their performance will not live up to the expectations of their partners when expected to perform sexually
What are common psychological interventions in sexual dysfunctions?
- communication and exploration
- sensate focus (a form of desensitization)
- physical treatments (which include medication, surgical interventions, and physical implants)
What are the 3 aspects of the development of gender identity?
- sexual orientation
- gender role
- gender identity
What is gender dysphoria?
- individual feels like the opposite gender trapped in their present gender
- most common in children and males
What are theories about the etiology of gender dysphoria?
- genetically influenced hormonal disturbances or exposure during fetal development to inappropriate hormones
- differences in cell clusters in hypothalamus
- psychodynamic/behavioural theories of human behaviour emphasize the importance of early childhood experiences and the family environment
What are paraphilias?
Sexual activities that involve: 1 - non-human objects 2 - non-consenting adults 3 - suffering or causing humiliation 4 - children
What are fetishistic disorders?
- sexual behaviours in which the presence of nonliving objects is usually required or strongly preferred for sexual excitement
→ underwear, shoes, leather, rubber, furs, etc.
What is partialism?
- sexual fixation on/excessive attraction to specific parts of the body
What is sadism?
- paraphilia deriving sexual pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliating others
→ sexual variant with consenting partners
→ sexual offense with non-consenting partners
What is autoerotic asphyxia?
- “asphyxiophilia”, “hypoxyphilia”
- deliberate induction of unconsciousness by oxygen deprivation
→ produced by chest compression, strangulation, enclosing the head in a plastic bag, or various other techniques
What is sexual masochism?
- sexual gratification obtained through experiencing pain and humiliation at the hands of one’s partner
What is voyeurism?
- obtainment of sexual arousal by compulsively and secretly watching another person undressing, bathing, engaging in sex, or being naked
What is exhibitionism?
- obtainment of sexual gratification by exposing one’s genitals to involuntary observers
What is frotteurism?
- obtainment of sexual gratification by rubbing one’s genitals against or fondling the body parts of a non-consenting person
What is pedophilia?
- adult obtainment of sexual gratification by engaging in sexual activities with children