Chapter 13: injury prevention for the athlete Flashcards
warm up physiological outcomes increase
peripheral blood circlation soft tissue elasticity synovial lube of joints oxygen uptake kinetics adensosine trip turnover muscle cross bridge cycling rate muscle fiber conduction velocity
warm up physiological decreases
visocity of the inter membranous lubes
cardiac trauma from sudden/sternuous exercise
active warm up
any submaximal activity that facilitates a 1 celsius increase in the bodys internal core temp
transition phase
time between the end of warmup and the start if the workout activity. 5-10mins between
wwarmup stratagies include
submax/non fatiguing activity
sport specific movements
injury prevention techniques
gradual progression in the intensity level and movement specificity for the activity
increase in speed from half temp to game pace by the conclusion of the warm up
common foot injuries
achilles tendonitis- inflammation of this tendon or its sheath
plantar fasciitis- inflammed and irritated plantar fascia, common cause of heel pain
metatarsal stress fractures- most common is 2nd and 5th metatarsal
ankle sprains
most common sports injury, and number 1 for time lost
lateral ankle sprain is the most common type
47-73% of people who sprain their ankle will resprain it
lateral ankle sprain
any of lateral ligaments could be injured including: talofibular ligament(ATFL), calcaneofibular ligament(CFL), and posterior talofibular ligament(PTFL)
ATFL is most common amongst lateral ankle sprains
mechanism of injury is forced plantar flexion and inversion of the ankle during landing on an unstable or uneven surface
medial ankle sprains
involve the deltoid ligament of the ankle and amy include avulsion fractures of the tibia or other foot bones
mechanism of injury is rapid eversion of foot
Syndesmotic (high ankle) sprains
involves the distal tibiofibular joint proximal to the ankle
mechanism for injury includes external foot rotation, talar eversion in the ankle mortise and excessive dorsiflexion
ankle injury prevention and rehab
restoring range of motion at the ankle in clsoe kinetic chain dorsiflexion throuh stretching
strengthening of the ankle musculature
functional activities( hoppin, lateral movements, cutting maneuvers)
progression in number of reps, speed, direction over the course of several weeks
two common knee injuries
patellofemoral pain(PFP) and ACL sprains/tears
Q angle
formed by a line drawn from the anterior superior iliac spine to the central patella and a second line drawn from central patella through the tibial tubercle
non contact events responsible for ACL injury
planting and cutting, straight knee landing, one step landing with a hyper extended knee
rotator cuff strains occur when
a muscle group is overexerted causing microdamage within the muscle belly and tendon resulting in immediate inflammation and decreased muscle function