Chapter 13 - Blood Heart and Circulation Flashcards
What are the 3 main functions of the Circulatory System?
- Transportatin
- Regulation
- Protection
In what way can the circulatory system regulate temperature?
If ambient temperature high - the blood system will move circulate blood from deep vessels to more superficial vessels…
The cardiovascular system consists of [] and []…
Heart and blood vessels
Where do all exchanges of fluid, nutrients, and wastes between the blood and tissues occur?
Across the walls of capillaries.
What are the smallest arteries and the smallest veins?
Where are lymphatic vessels located?
Located in the connective tissues around blood vessels
Excluding Blood to/from the lungs - why is arterial blood a lighter red than venous blood?
Arterial blood contains a higher concentration of oxyhemoglobin
[] is a straw -colored liquid consisting of water and dissolved solutes
What is its main solute in terms of concentration?
What are the 3 types of plasma proteins?
These plasma proteins are the most numerous, and are produced by the liver, and provide osmotic pressure needed to draw water from the surrounding tissue fluid into the capillaries
Plasma globulins are broken into 3 categories -
Name and describe them
Alpha and Beta globulins
- produced by liver and function in transporting lipids and fat soluble vitamins
Gamma Glublins
- antibodies produced by lymphocytes and function in immunity
This type of plasma protein is involved in clotting and produced by the liver…
During clotting fibrinogen is converted to - ?
Insoluble threds of fibrin
What are the 2 types of blod cells in the “formed elements?”
Erythrocytes - RBCs
Leukocytes - White Blood Cells
Erythrocytes lack [] and [] - they obtain energy through [] metabolism.
- Nuclei
- Mitochondria
- Anaerobic Metabolism
The 4 iron containing [] groups bind to 4 [] protein chains make up the hemoglobin….which make up the []
- heme
- globins
- Eryhtrocyte
Which protein carrier takes recycled iron to the bone marrow to supply most of the body?
What is the most common form of anemia (low red blood cell and/or hemoglobin concentration)?
Iron-deficiency anemia
These blood cells have [] and [] and move in an [] fashion…
- Nuclei
- Mitochondria
- Amoeboid fashion
The movement of leukocytes through capillary walls is referred to as….
diapedesis or extravasation
Due to its staining properties…what are the 2 types of leukocytes?
Eosinophils - stained with eosin
Basophils - methylene stain, “basic”
Neutrophils - cannot be stained
Which type of Leukocyte is the most abundant?
What are the 2 types of agranular leukocytes?
Lymphocytes - 2nd most numerous leukocyte
Monocytes - largest leukocytes
These are the smallest of the formed elements -
Platelets or thrombocytes
What are some of the important roles played by platelets?
- constitutes most of the mass of a blood clot
- phopholipids in their cell membranes activate fibrin
- Release serotonin
- stimulates constriction of blood vessels, thus reducing blood flow to the injured area
- Secrete growth factors
- important in mainting integrity of blood vessels
What is the process of constantly forming blood cells?
hematopoiesis (or hemopoiesis)
What is erythropoiesis?
What is Leukopoiesis?
- Formation of erythrocytes
- Formation of leukocytes
The production of different subtypes of leukocytes is stimulated by chemicals called…[]? Where are these secreted from?
Secreted by various cells of the immunme system?\
- What hormone stimulates the production of red blood cells?
- Where is this hormone secreted from?
- Erythropoietin
- Hormone secreted by the kidneys
What is the specific cytokine that stimulates proliferation of megakaryocyes and their maturation into platelets?
The left ventricle pumps blood into the lungs and the right ventricle pumps blood to the entire body
Flip it, the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to the entire body and the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs to be oxygenated.
What is the layer of dense connective tissue between the atria and ventricles?
What are the rings made by this tissue?
Fibrous Skeleton
Annuli Fibrosi
Which side of the heart does blood return to through the venous side? The [] trunk and the [] arteries pump this blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.
- The right side of the heart
- Pulmonary trunk and pulmonary arteries
Example one pulmonary circulation circuit:
Blood comes into Right atrium –> right ventricle –> pulmonary arteries –> lung –> Pulmonary veins (oxygenated now!) –> left atrium
What is systemic circulation?
- Oxygenated blood pumped from the left atrium/left ventricle into the aorta and out to the body
What are the 2 larges veins that return oxygen-low blood to the heart?
Superior and inferior venae cavae
Due to cellular respiration - oxygen concentration is [lower/higher] than carbon dioxide in the tissues compared to capillary blood?
O2 concentration is lower in tissues
Why would the left ventricle be larger than the right?
The left ventricle has to push blood through the entire body. It has an increased work rate compare to the right ventricle (factor of 5 to 7)…so it makes sense that it is more “muscular.”
What type of AV valve is located between the right ventricle and right atrium?
What type of AV valve is located between the left ventricle and left atrium?
Tricuspid valve (three flaps of tissue)
Bicuspid Valve - or the mitral valve
What happens to the AV valve when pressure in the ventricle increase (most likely through contraction)?
The AV valve will close.
(on the flip side - when ventricles relax the blood pressure in the atrium increases, causing the valves to open)
- Which muscle keeps the AV valves from inverting during ventricle contraction?
- What connects these muscles to the ventricles?
- papillary muscles
- Chordae Tendineae
Which valve is located at the origin of the pulmonary artery and the aorta? These valves open during [] conctraction…
Semilunar valves
Ventricular Contraction
Where do we get the “lub-dub” sound of the heart?
- Lub - closing of the AV during ventricular contraction - or systole
- Dub - closing of the semilunar valves after ventricular contraction - beginning of diastole
Mitral Stenosis is what?
How does the heart respond to this condition?
- Mitral stenosis is when the mitral valve becomes thickened and calcified.
- This impairs blood flow from the pulmonary circulation
- To compensate for this increased pulmonary pressure, the right ventricle will be larger and more muscular…since it has to push even harder to make the blood flow.
Mitral valve prolaps occurs when….?
Blood flows back into left Atrium…from the left ventricle
- [] refers to the repeating pattern of contraction and relaxation of the heart
- The phase of contraction is called []
- The phase of relaxation is called []
- Cardiac Cycle
- Systole
- Diastole
Why do the atria and ventricles contract at the same time?
- They do not.
- Normally systole and diastole refer to contraction/relaxtion of the ventricles. However, there are atrial systole/diastole as well.
- The Atrial contraction occurs near the end of diastole (relaxation of ventricle) and relax during systole (ventricle contraction
How come the ventricle is almost 80% filled with blood before the atria even contracts?
- During the brief time when both atria and ventricle are relaxed, the venous return of blood fills up the atria…increasing the pressure to the point that the AV valve opens, allowing blood to flow to the ventricle
What is end-diastolic volume?
What is end-systolic volume?
- End-diastolic volume - total volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole
- End-systolic volume - volume of blood after the ventricles contract, pushing roughly 2/3 of the blood out
What is the “stroke-volume?”
The amount of blood pumped out of the ventricle during 1 contraction. (About 2/3 of the starting volume)
When is the heart in a state of “isovolumetric contraction”
- In the split second when the AV valves snap shut due to increasing pressure in the ventricles, but the ventricular pressure is not high enough to open the semilunar valves.
The entire mass of cells interconnected by gap junctions is nown as a []
What is the main region, in a normal heart, that functions as the pacemaker?
Where is this node located on the heart?
sinoatrial node (SA node)
On the top of the right atrium, near the opening of the superior vena cava
What are the two other “potential” pacemaker regions of the heart?
AV node and Purkinje Fibers
What is the resting membrane potential of SA node?
There is none!
During Diastole the SA node experiences spontaneous depolarization called the pacemaker potential (or diastolic depolarization)
What are HCN channels within SA node plasma membranes?
- These voltage-gated channels open in response to hyperpolarization…instead of the normal hypopolerization.
- When they open, the allow entry of Na+ to produce depolarization
- These channels also open to cAMP, produced in response to stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors by epinephrine/norepinephrine
- The clocklike entry of [] into the cytoplasm constributes significantly to the diastolic depolarization.
- Once the diastolic depolariztion reaches threshold (-40 mV), voltage-gated [] channels open.
- This inward flow of this molecule stimulates Ca2+ release channels in the [] [] allowing for a huge inflow of []….leading to a []
- Repolarization is produced by the opening of [] channels
- Ca2+
- Ca2+
- Sarcoplastic Reticulum, Ca2+, contraction
- K+
- [] and [] cause the production of cyclic AMP within the pacemaker cells., which opens [] channels for Na+ to produce a depolarization.
- cAMP also promotes entry of [] into cytoplasm through [] channels.
- This all increase rate of diastolic depolarization to help produce a [] cardiac rate
- epinephrine and norepinephrine, HCN
- Ca2+, Ca2+
- Faster
What would the parasympathetic effect on the cardiac cells be? What neurotransmitter is used? What channels are opened?
- Parasympathetic axons release Acetylcholine which bind to their muscarinic receptors.
- These open K+ channels (through the use of G-proteins) diffusing K+ outward. Making it harder to reach threshold
- THEREFORE - slwoign cardiac rate
If the SA node were to stop functioning, what type of pacemaker would start?
- Ectopic pacemaker - usually the AV node or Purkinje Fibers would kick in, but it would be slower than the normal sinu rhythm produced by the SA node.
What is the normal resting membrane potential of myocardial cells?
Why do myocardial cells not experience summation or tetanus of APs?
- They have the plateau phase - caused by the slow influx of Ca2+ while K+ is moving out of the cell during repolarization.
- Lasts for about 200-300 milliseconds, so the cells are always finished contracting before the membrane recovers from its refractory period.
What are the specialized conducting myocardial cells that conduct signals across the fibrous skeleton of the heart?
AV node
Bundle of His
Pukinje Fibers
Where is the cadiac control center that coordinates activity of autonomic innervation?
What are the two transporters that extrude Ca2+ into the extracellular fluid during the regractory period of myocardial cells?
- Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) - secondary active transport where downhill power of Na+ powers the uphill movement of Ca2+
- Ca2+ ATPase pump - primary active transport to move Ca2+
What are the 3 ECG waves called?
The maximum peak of the P value (in an ECG) is caused by the entire atria’s depolarization.
- False
- The max peak of the P wave is caused by about half of the atria being depolarized.
- The spread of atrial depolarization creates the entire P wave
Why are the QRS and T waves pointing in the same direction if QRS is the depolarization of the ventricle and T is the repolarization of the ventricle?
- The ventricles depolarize from endocardium to epicadium, whereas repolarization spreads in the opposite direction, from epicadium to endocardium.
Which sound is heard immediately after the QRS wave?
- The first sound, or the “lub.”
- QRS is seen at the beginning of systole, which sees a rise in intraventricular pressure, causing the AV valves to shut.
Why is the “lub” sound heard after shortly after the T wave in an ECG?
- It is not!
- The “dub” sound is heard. Since the repolarization of the ventricle, characterized by the T wave, occurs at the same time as to the beginning of diastole. (Diastole occurs when the ventricle relaxes, decreasing intraventricular pressure causing the aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves to close. )
What are the three layers, or “tunics” of the arteries and veins?
- Tunica externa
- Tunica Media
- Tunica Interna
Which tunica of the blood vessels is made of smooth muscle?
Tunica media
What are the three layers of the tunica interna?
- Endothelium - layer of simple squamos epithelium lining lumina of all blood vessels
- Basement membrane (layer of glycoproteins)
- Layer of elastic fibers, or elastin, forming an internal elastic lamina
What arteries are more elastic - larger arteries or small arteries?
- The large arteries are much more elastic, and provide a recoil effect that drives blood during diastole.
- The small arteries are more muscular and are less resistant to changes in diameter during increased pressure cycles of circulation (systole)
Name the three classifications of capillaries…
Continuous - adjacent endothelial cells are closely joined together.
- Found in muscles, lungs, adipose tissue, and the CNS
Fenestrated - characterized by wide intercellular pores that are covered by a layer of mucoprotein, which serves as a basement membrane over the capillary endothelium
- Found in kidneys, endocrine glands, and intestines
Discontinuous - distance between endothelial cells is so great that these capillaries look like little cavities in the organ
- Found in bone marrow, liver, and spleen
Most of the total blood volume is contained in the arterial system.
Nope! Its contained in the venous system.
Unlike arteries, which provide [] to the flow of blood from the heart, veins are able to [] as they accumulate addition amounts of blood.
- resistance
- expand
Average pressure in veins -
Average pressure in arteries -
2 mmHg (veins)
100 mmHg (arterial)
With such a low venous pressure (2 mmHg), how are the veins able to get blood back to the heart?
- 2 main things (plus 1)
- skeletal muscle pumps - provide a massaging action as they contract that pumps blood towards the heart.
- 1 way direction of blood flow TOWARDS THE HEART is controlled by venous valves.
- The diaphram contracting pumps blood from teh abdomen to the thoraci veins
What happens in atherosclerosis?
- localized plaques, or atheromas, protrude into the lumen of the artery and reduce blood flow
- The atheromas also can act as sites for thrombus to form (blood clotting) which can further occlude blood supply to an organ.
What are the plasma protein carriers that carry cholestrol to the arteries?
LDL - low-density lipoproteins.
What carrier can retard the accumulation of LDL (which can then lead to artherosclerosis) in the blood?
high-density lipoprotein. - accepts cholesterol from foam cells and carries it through the blood to the liver for metabolism.
What form of LDL contributes to endothelial cell damage via migration of monocytes and lymphocytes into the tunica interna?
Oxidized LDL
What is a tissue called when its oxygen supply is deficient because of inadequate blood flow?
What is the most common cause of myocardial ischemia -?
atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries
What is the leading cause of death in the Western World?
Prolonged [] and [] metabolismcan lead to necrosis…which would then cause the first question
- MI, myocardial infarction
- Ischemia and anaerobic
Sustained occlusion of a coronary artery that produces a myocardial infarction (MI) is accompanied by an [] of the S-[] segment of the ECG…
- elevation
- T
Which is worse -
Atrial Fibrillation or Ventricular Fibrillation? Why?
- Ventricular fibrillation is worse (people with atrial fibrillations can live for a decent amount of time.
- Atrial fibrillation just increases impulses to the AV, and makes the atrial contractions ineffectual. Therefore the ventricles beat a little too fast, decreasing cardiac output by 15%.
Fibrillation is caused by a continuous recycling of electrical waves known as [] [] , through the myocardium.
circus rhythms
How will an ECG change if there is an “AV node block?”
- The beginning Atrial depolarization represented by the P wave
- Beginning of Ventricular depolarization - shown by the Q wave in the QRS wave.
- Depends on the change, but the P wave can be dissociated completely with the QRS, or other things…end of chapter 13.