Chapter 13: Aviation Weather Services Flashcards
What are the four types of weather observations?
- Surface
- Upper air
- Radar
- Satellite
What is a METAR?
An observation of current surface weather reported in a standard international format.
What is a SPECI?
A special METAR issued to update rapidly changing weather conditions, aircraft mishaps, or critical information.
What is an AIRMET?
An advisory for potentially hazardous weather, including moderate turbulence, icing, and widespread IFR conditions.
What are the three types of AIRMETs?
- Sierra (IFR and mountain obscuration)
- Tango (turbulence and strong winds)
- Zulu (icing and freezing levels)
What is a SIGMET?
An inflight advisory for severe weather such as turbulence, icing, dust storms, and volcanic ash.
What is a Convective SIGMET?
An advisory for severe convective weather, including thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes, and heavy precipitation.
What does a Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) provide?
Forecasted weather within a 5-statute-mile radius around an airport.
What are the four components of a TAF?
- Header
- Forecast wind
- Forecast visibility
- Forecast sky conditions
What is the purpose of winds and temperature aloft forecasts (FB)?
Provide wind direction, wind speed, and temperature forecasts at specific altitudes.
What is a Surface Analysis Chart?
Depicts current surface weather, including pressure systems, fronts, and weather conditions.
What is a Weather Depiction Chart?
Details surface conditions, showing IFR, VFR, and MVFR regions using METAR data.
What is a Significant Weather Prognostic Chart?
Forecasts aviation weather hazards, including turbulence, IFR conditions, and freezing levels.
What is the purpose of the Flight Service Station (FSS)?
Primary source for preflight weather briefings and inflight weather advisories.
What is HIWAS?
Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service, a continuous broadcast of weather advisories over selected VORs.