Chapter 13 Flashcards
A woman who is pregnant
A woman who has had two or more pregnancies
a woman who has completed two or more pregnancies to 20 or more weeks of gestation
a woman who has never been pregnant
a woman who has not completed pregnancy with a fetus who have reached 20 weeks of gestation
the number of pregnancies in which the fetus or fetuses have reached 20 weeks
pregnancy that goes beyond 42 weeks
postdate or postterm
a pregnancy that has reached 20 weeks of gestation but ends before completion of 37 weeks of gestation
a woman who is pregnant for the first time
a pregnancy from the completion of 37 weeks of gestation to the end of week 42 of gestation
capacity to live outside the uterus
is the earliest biochemical marker for pregnancy, detected as early as 7-10 days after conception.
higher than normal levels of Hcg can indicate?
abnormal gestation Ex. Down Syndrome
pregnancy test for the beta subunit of Hcg in serum or urine sample use radioactive labeled marker in the lab. These test accurate with Low Hcg and can detect before the first menstrual period.
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
is a serum test that measures the ability of a blood sample to inhibit the binding of radiolabeled hcg receptors. 90-95% accurate from 6 to 8 days after conception.
Radioreceptor assay (RRA)
this testing is the most popular method of testing for pregnancy. It uses a specific monoclonal antibody (anti-hcg) with enzymes to bond with hcg in urine.
Those changes noticed by the woman (amenorrhea, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, breast changes)
presumptive signs
Those changes observed by the examiner ( Hegar sign, ballottement, pregnancy test, goddell sign, chadwick sign, braxton hicks contractions)
Probable signs
Those signs that are attributable only to the presence of the fetus (fetal heart tones, ultrasound, palpating fetal movements)
positive signs
True or False: Lactation is inhibited until the estrogen level declines after birth.
is a creamy white-to-yellowish premilk fluid that can be expressed from the nipples after birth.
As the uterine grows it may be palpated ______ some time between the 12th-14th weeks of pregnancy.
above the pubis symphysis
The uterus rises gradually to the _____ at 22 to 24 weeks of gestation.
at the level of the umbilicus
Between weeks 38 and 40 fundal height drops as the fetus begins to descend and engage in the pelvis.
called lightening
At approximately 6 weeks of gestation, softening and compressibility of the lower uterine segment (uterine isthmus).Results in exaggerated uterine anteflexion= which the uterine fundus presses on the urinary bladder causing the woman to have urinary frequency.
Hegar Sign-softening of the uterine segment
An important hormone in maintaining pregnancy is?
Progesterone by relaxing smooth muscles. This reduces uterine activity and prevents miscarriage.
what hormone that stimulates uterine contractions?
Contractions that are irregular and painless, usually occurs intermittently throughout pregnancy. Facilitates uterine blood flow and promote oxygen delivery to the fetus.
Braxton Hicks
sound made by blood in the uterine arteries that is synchronous with the maternal pulse.
Uterine souffle
sound made by blood rushing through the umbilical vessels and synchronous with the fetal heart rate.
Funic souffle
softening of the cervical tip
Goodell sign- brought by increased vascularity,
The rate of blood flow through the uterus ranges from ____ ml/min at term and oxygen consumption of the gravid uterus increases to meet fetal needs.
450-650 ml/min
excessive salivation
ptyalism- normal finding
pyrosis- normal finding
true or false: decreased peristalsis is normal?
where is the the appendix located?
displaced upward and laterally, high and to the right
technique for palpating the fetus (bounce/rebound feel)
ballottement (18 weeks)
Increased vascularity results in a violet-bluish vaginal mucosa and cervix
Chadwick sign (6th week)
white or slightly gray mucoid discharge with a faint musty odor (vaginal discharge)due to stimulation of estrogen and progesterone.
Leukorrhea -normal
mucous plug that acts as a barrier against bacterial invasion during pregnancy
During pregnancy the pH of vaginal secretions is more ____ than normal ranging ~3.5 to 6 (normal 4-5)
Acidic- because of increased production of lactic acid, making the woman more vulnerable to yeast infections because the glycogen-rich environment is more susceptible to Candida albicans.
called the mask of pregnancy
Chloasma- blotchy, brownish coloring over the woman’s cheeks, nose, forehead (normal) due to hormonal change.
pigmented line that runs vertically up the abdomen
linea niagra
also known as stretch marks
striae gravidarum
is signified by pinkish red blotches on the hands
palmar erythema
hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands embedded in the primary areolae that is seen around the nipples, that have protective tole for lubricating the nipples for breastfeeding.
Montgomery tubercles
numbness and tingling of the hands
acroesthesia- caused by the stoop shouldered stance
nonfood cravings