Chapter 13 Flashcards
Great plains
grassland extending through the west-central portion of the US
Treaty of fort Laramie
was an agreement between the United States and the Oglala, Miniconjou, and Brulé bands of Lakota people, Yanktonai Dakota, and Arapaho Nation[1] signed on April 29, 1868 at Fort Laramie in the Wyoming Territory, guaranteeing to the Lakota ownership of the Black Hills, and further land and hunting rights in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull was a Hunkpapa Lakota holy man who led his people as a tribal chief during years of resistance to United States government policies.
George A. Custer
George Armstrong Custer was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the American Indian Wars. Raised in Michigan and Ohio, Custer was admitted to West Point in 1858, where he graduated last in his class. He looks quite stupid as well.
Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group’s language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group.
The Dawes act
A federal law intended to turn Native Americans into farmers and landowners by providing cooperating families with 160 acres of reservation land for farming or 320 acres for grazing.
Battle of the Wounded Knee
located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southwestern South Dakota, was the site of two conflicts between North American Indians and representatives of the U.S. government. An 1890 massacre left some 150Native Americans dead, in what was the final clash between federal troops and the Sioux.
Texas Longhorns
The Texas Longhorn is a breed of cattle known for its characteristic horns, which can extend to 7 ft tip to tip
Chisholm Trail
The Chisholm Trail was a trail used in the post American Civil War era to drive cattle overland from ranches in Texas to Kansas railheads.
Long drive
Long Drive was the herding of thousands of cattle to railway centers scattered across the plains. Thousands of cattle were moved from the plains to towns at one time.
Homestead act
a special act of Congress (1862) that made public lands in the West available to settlers without payment, usually in lots of 160 acres, to be used as farms.
was a name given to African Americans who migrated from states along the Mississippi River to Kansas in the late nineteenth century, as part of the Exoduster Movement or Exodus of 1879. It was the first general migration of blacks following the Civil War.
English chemist, whose work on radioactive disintegration led to the discovery of isotopes: Nobel prize for chemistry 1921. soddy in Science Expand.
Morrill act
The Morrill Land-Grant Acts are United States statutes that allowed for the creation of land-grant colleges
Bonanza farms
were very large farms in the United States performing large-scale operations, mostly growing and harvesting wheat.
Oliver Hudson Kelley
is considered the “Father” of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry.
a farmers’ association organized in 1867. The Grange sponsors social activities, community service, and political lobbying.
Farmers’ Allegiance
one such group resulting from the Grange
is a belief in the power of regular people, and in their right to have control over their government rather than a small group of political insiders or a wealthy elite.
a system allowing the unrestricted currency of two metals (e.g., gold and silver) as legal tender at a fixed ratio to each other
Gold standard
the system by which the value of a currency was defined in terms of gold, for which the currency could be exchanged. The gold standard was generally abandoned in the Depression of the 1930s
William McKinley
was the 25th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897, until his assassination on September 14, 1901, six months into his second term
William Jennings Bryan
was an American politician, active from the 1890s until his death. He was a dominant force in the populist wing of the Democratic Party, standing three times as the Party’s candidate for President of the United States (1896, 1900 and 1908).