Chapter 13 Flashcards
What are the most important characteristics of managing quality?
- Moments of Truth (person meets brand)
- Brand experience/knowledge
- Quality of customer experience within control
- Delivery of brand promises: premium on fast service, courtesy shown by service employees, cleanliness of the physical environment, or some other aspect of the consumption experience,
- Proactively manage moments of truth- will strengthen customer relationships
What is the definition for customer satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction – person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment that result from comparing a product’s perceived performance to their expectations.
What is service quality in relation to customer satisfaction?
Service quality is one of the determinants of customer satisfaction.
What are service quality factors (SQF)?
- Comparison expectations to actual performance
- Customer-based view - perceived quality; resides in minds of consumers
- Services intangible - customers often involved in delivery; subjective evaluation
In relation to SQF (service quality factors) what are 6 factors that make a sports property tangible?
- Venue (Aesthetics and layout of physical environment in which sporting event is held)
- Sportscape (Design of customer touch points in a sports venue – entry/exit points, concourses/walkways, aisles and seats, restrooms, foodservice areas)
- Equipment (Scoreboards, digital signage, video replay screens)
- Employee appearance (Uniform look creates perceptions of professionalism and consistency)
- Mascots (Branding element that brings a team’s personality to life)
- Entertainment (Music, cheerleaders, bands, videos, and games)
What are 4 adjectives that describe the character of SQF?
- Reliability
- Responsiveness
- Assurance
- Empathy
What does it mean that SQF were reliable?
- Was service delivered accurately and dependably?
- Fulfillment of promises
* Explicit promises: eg start on time, guaranteed seating, promises to sponsors
* Implicit promises: expectations when you attend an event eg parking, restrooms, courtesy of personnel - Response to failure in reliability
* Guarantees: eg offer free tickets, free food, better seating
* On-field performance guarantees
What does it mean that SQF were responsive?
- Willingness of employees to
* Help customers
* Offer prompt service - length of wait and speed of service - Adequate staffing
- Layout of facility
- Service Blueprinting focuses on who is responsible for each task and looks for any weak points in service delivery
* Customers- who initiate the service process
* Frontline service employees-who interact with the customers
* Backroom service employees- provide frontline support
* Support personnel- supporting service employees
What does assurance mean in SQF?
- Consumers’ perceptions about knowledge and capability of service providers
- Employee’s actions can build trust and confidence
- Customer service employees face of organization
- Point of contact can be – random; coordinated by service personnel; initiated by customers
- Proactively managing sponsorship interactions
What does empathy mean in SQF?
- Attitude of caring
- Individualized attention
- Customer service representatives
- Perks or special access: offered to the customer
- Dedicated personnel to service sponsors
* Ticket needs
* Activation efforts: win-win: what are the sponsors wanting to achieve!
* Reports on sponsorship fulfilment
What are the advantages of outsourcing various functions?
- Expertise (Take advantage of knowledge an outside firm possesses)
- Objectivity (Provide an unbiased outside perspective)
- Resource availability (Outside firm has advantageous resources or relationships)
- Cost effectiveness (Outside firm may be able to perform certain tasks at lower cost)
What are the reasons for keeping marketing functions in-house?
- Control (Reporting relationships for personnel and day-to-day responsibilities remain within the organization)
- Consistency (Decisions and execution can be managed to remain true to brand values; correlated highly with control advantage)
- Cost (Outsourcing can be cost prohibitive for small properties; Smaller properties may not be appealing to agencies or firms as a client)
What services can be outsourced?
- Ticket sales
- Sponsorship sales
- Media
- Facility operations
- Marketing communications
- Market research
What are the characteristics of outsourcing ticket sales?
- Transactional aspects are easier to perform - order fulfillment and ticket distribution; straightforward process
- Relational aspects are more difficult to perform - lead generation-create interest -what leads can we get to new/potential customers; prospecting for customers; closing deals
- You can outsource entire ticket sales operation
What activities can be outsourced in outsourcing ticket sales?
- Consulting (Develop programs for selling season tickets, group tickets, and individual event tickets)
- Training (Beneficial for developing selling skills or exposing salespeople to different techniques or approaches to the selling process)
- Outsourced operations (Turn over all aspects of ticket sales to outside firm)
The first two needs pertain to specific assistance a sports property seeks to fulfill.
The third need is totally outsourcing ticket sales operations to an outside firm.