chapter 13 Flashcards
The continuum of all possible sound frequencies
2.acoustic spectrum
The form of wave-transmitted energy detectable by the ear; more generally, energy transmitted through matter by mechanical waves
The property of an audible sound determined by its frequency. Higher frequencies have higher pitches. b. The distance between two adjacent threads on metric screws and bolts, measured in millimeters. A smaller pitch implies greater holding power
The response of the ear and brain to the intensity of a sound
The rate at which a light source radiates energy, measured in candelas (cd), which is an SI base unit. Also called brightness. The power of a mechanical wave, proportional to the square of the wave’s amplitude; a wave’s rate of energy transmission.
A non-SI unit of loudness; the ratio of the power of a measured sound to a reference sound expressed on a logarithmic scale.
The ear’s interpretation of the mixture of fundamentals and harmonics in a complex sound, as from a musical instrument.
The lowest-frequency sound wave in a mixture of waves that are harmonically related to each other.
A wave in a complex mixture of waves whose frequency is a whole-number multiple of the fundamental.
The scientific study of understanding and controlling how sounds are heard; the acoustic properties of a room or building
reverberation (p. 307) Multiple echoes of a sound as it reflects off surfaces in an enclosed space.
acoustic synthesizer (p. 314) An electronic device capable of artificially producing most instrumental sounds.
12.accoustic synthesizer
The mechanical or electronic process of making a sound louder.
13.accoustic amplification
The biological or artificial use of acoustic echoes to detect distance and direction of objects of interest.
An artificial device that either listens or uses active echolocation in bodies of water for navigation, research, or military purposes; an informal name for any natural use of echolocation, such as with bats.
A waterproof microphone used to passively detect sounds under water
An underwater device that combines a hydrophone and a high-intensity pulsed sound source to both receive and send sound waves in active sonar.
A sound with a frequency below the range audible to humans. The study of such waves is infrasonics.
18.infrasonic waves
A sound with a frequency above the range audible to humans.
19.ultrasonic waves