Chapter 13 Flashcards
The ability to perform routine physical activity without undue fatigue
Overload principle
The concept that the body will adapt to the stresses placed on it
Cardio respiratory system
The circulatory and respiratory systems, which together deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells
Aerobic exercise
Endurance exercise such as jogging, swimming, or cycling that increases heart rate and required oxygen in metabolism
Stroke volume
The volume of blood pumped by each beat of the heart.
-regular aerobic exercise strengthens the heart muscle and increases stroke volume
Resting heart rate
The number of times that the heart beats per minute while a person is at rest
-increased stroke volume decreases this
Aerobic capacity or VO2 max
The maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed by the tissues during exercise. This is also called maximal oxygen consumption
-the better this is the more intense activity you can do
An increase in the size of a muscle or organ
Wasting or decrease in the size of a muscle or other tissue caused by lack of use
Describable level of body fat in men and women
Compounds that cause a natural euphoria and reduce the perception of pain under certain stressful conditions
-exercise release these
Canadian physical activity guidelines for ages 18-64
150 min of moderate-vigorous aerobic activity per week in bouts of 10 min or more
Maximum heart rate
The maximum number of beats/minute that the heart can attain. It declines with age and can be estimated by subtracting age in years from 220
The aerobic zone
Between 60% and 85% of your maximum heart rate
Overtraining syndrome
A collection of emotional, behavioural and physical symptoms that occurs in serious athletes when training without sufficient rest persists for weeks to months.
Aerobic metabolism
Metabolism in the presence of oxygen. In aerobic metabolism, glucose, fatty acids and amino acids are completely broken down to form carbon dioxide, water and ATP