Chapter 13 Flashcards
What is a quasi-experiment?
An experiment where researchers do not have full experimental control.
Non-equivalent control group design
People are not randomly assigned to one of the conditions.
Interrupted time-series design
Measures participant repeatedly on a dependent variable before, during and after interruption.
What is the downside and three upsides of using quasi-experiments?
Downside: lower internal validity.
Upside: higher external validity, real-world opportunities and more ethical.
What is a small-N design?
Obtaining a lot of information from a few cases. Data is presented for each individual.
What is an advantage of small-N designs?
It can be used to advance knowledge?
What is a stable-baseline design?
Observation begins before the start of the treatment.
What is a multiple-baseline design?
Interventions are introduced to different individuals at different times or in different situations.
Reversal design
Taking away treatment to see if there is a reverse effect.