Chapter 12: Vocab Flashcards
Protein in the urine- albumin is major protein in blood plasma. When in urine may indicate a leak in glomerular membrane, which allows albumin to enter the renal tubule and pass into urine
Pertaining to a medication that decreases urine production and secretion
Literally means without the formation of urine; lack of urine production
Presence of bacteria in the urine
Presence of calcium in the urine
Pebble; any abnormal concretion (stone); plural: calculi
Tube of elastic, elastic web, rubber, glass, metal, or plastic that is inserted into a body cavity to remove fluid or to inject fluid
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Disease that results from any condition that causes gradual loss of kidney function. When the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood as well as healthy kidneys, waste from the blood remains in the body. CKD can lead to kidney failure. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes of CKD. Classified according to its severity; designated in stages 1-5
Surgical excision of the bladder or part of the bladder
Inflammation of the bladder, usually occurring secondarily to ascending urinary tract infections. More than 85% of cases of cystitis are caused by Escherichia coli, a bacillus found in the lower gastrointestinal tract. Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a painful inflammation of the bladder wall.
Hernia of the bladder that protrudes into the vagina
X-ray record of the bladder
A bladder stone; a vesical calculus
Medical instrument used for visual examination of the bladder
Medical procedure to separate waste material from the blood and to maintain fluid, electrolyte, and acid – base balance in impaired kidney function or in the absence of the kidney. Two main types of dialysis, hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD), remove waste from the blood in different ways.
Pathological condition of increased or excessive flow of urine; occurs in conditions such as diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Diuretics can also produce diuresis
Difficult or painful urination
Pathological condition in which the body tissues contain an accumulation of fluid
Condition of involuntary admission of urine; bedwetting
Pertaining to the illumination of waste products from the body
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)
Process whereby a medical device is used to crush kidney stones. The patient is sedated and immersed in a water bath while shockwaves pound the stones until they crumble into small pieces. These pieces are generally flushed out with urine
Literally means pertaining to the glomerulus; a network of blood vessels located within the Bowmans capsule that permits a greater surface area for filtration
Inflammation of the renal glomeruli
Inflammation of the kidney involving primarily the glomeruli there are three types: acute glomerulonephritis (AGN), chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN), and sub acute glomerulonephritis
Presence of glucose in the urine
Presence of red blood cells in the urine. And microscopic hematuria, the urine appears normal to the naked eye, but examination with a microscope shows a high number of RBC’s. Gross hematuria can be seen with the naked eye – the urine is red or the color of cola. If white blood cells are found in addition to red blood cells then it is a sign of a urinary tract infection
Hemodialysis (HD)
Use of an artificial kidney to separate waste from the blood. The blood is circulated through tubes made of semi permeable membrane‘s, and these tubes are continually bathed by solutions that remove waste
Pathological condition in which urine collects in the renal pelvis because of an obstructed outflow, thereby causing dissension and damage to the kidney; can be caused by renal calculi, tumor, or hyperplasia of the prostate gland
Excessive amount of calcium in the urine
Inability to hold or control urination or defecation
Interstitial cystitis (IS)
Chronically irritable and painful inflammation of the bladder wall
Presence of ketones in the urine resulting from breakdown of fats due to faulty carbohydrate metabolism. It occurs primarily as a complication of diabetes mellitus but can occur in dieting and starvation; also called ketoacidosis
Crushing of a kidney stone
Incision of the urinary meatus to enlarge the opening
Opening or passage; the external opening of the urethra
Process of urination; to void; emptying the bladder
Surgical excision of a kidney
Inflammation of the kidney
Commonly called kidney stones; usually deposits of mineral salts, called calculi, in the kidney. These stones can pass into the ureter, irritate kidney tissue, and blockier and flow. Kidney stones occur when the urine has a high level of minerals (usually calcium) that form stones
Literally means study of the kidney; study of kidney function as well as diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases
Kidney tumor
Basic structural and functional unit of the kidney
Pathological disease of the kidney
Condition of hardening of the kidney
Urination during the night
Scanty, decreased amount of urine. The decreased production of urine may be a sign of dehydration, renal failure, hypovolemic shock, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, or urinary obstruction/urinary retention. It can be contrasted with anuria which represents a more complete suppression of urine
Percutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy (PUL)
Crushing of a kidney stone by using ultrasound. This is an invasive surgical procedure performed by using a nephroscope or fluoroscopy
Peritoneal dialysis (PD)
Separation of waste from the blood by using peritoneal catheter and dialysis. Fluid is introduced into the peritoneal cavity, and waste from the blood pass into this fluid. The fluid and waste are then removed from the body. Types of peritoneal dialysis are IPD – intermittent and and CAPD – continuous ambulatory
Literally means pertaining to around the urethra; the immediate area surrounding the urethra
Literally means excessive secretion and discharge of urine; frequent urination; occurs in diabetes mellitus, chronic nephritis, and nephrosclerosis, and can be introduced with diuretics and following excessive intake of liquids
Inflammation of the renal pelvis
Surgical incision into the renal pelvis for removal of a stone
Inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis. It is usually caused by a bacteria entering the kidneys from the bladder. Escherichia coli is a bacillus that is normally found in the large intestines. These infections usually spread from the lower urinary tract via the urethra, to the ureters, and then into the renal pelvis
Pus or white blood cells in the urine; caused by infection (most commonly bacterial) or response to an inflammation process in the body
Pertaining to the kidney
Renal colic
Sharp, severe pain in the lower back over the kidney, radiating forward into the groin. It usually accompanies forcible dilation of a ureter, followed by spasm as a stone is lodged or passed through it
Renal failure
Pathological failure of the kidney to function; also referred to as kidney failure
Renal transplantation
The organ transplant of a healthy donor kidney in to a patient with end-stage renal disease
An enzyme produced by the kidney that stimulates vasoconstriction and secretion of aldosterone. The blood renin level is elevated in some types of hypertension
Substance that settles at the bottom of a liquid; a precipitate; can be produced by centrifuging urine or other body fluids
State of being free from living micro organisms; aseptic
Excess of urea, creatinine, and other nitrogenous end products of protein and amino acid metabolism accumulated in the blood; also referred to as azotemia. In current usage, it refers to the syndrome associated with end stage renal failure
Surgical repair of the ureter
Surgical creation of a new opening into the ureter to provide an alternate route for drainage of urine.
Urethral stricture
Narrowing or constriction of the urethra
Pertaining to the urethra and perineum
Sudden need to void, urinate
Medical instrument used to measure the specific gravity of urine
Brown pigment formed by the oxidation of urobilinogen; may be formed in the urine after exposure to air
Pigment that gives urine the normal yellow color