Chapter 12 Trunk and Spinal Column Flashcards
Sternocleidomastoid O&I
Origin: Manubrium of sternum, anterior superior surface of medial clavicle
Insertion: Mastoid process
Sternocleidomastoid Action
extension of head at atlantooccipital joint
flexion of the cervical spine
each side: rotation to contralateral side
each side: lateral flexion to ipsilateral side
Sternocleidomastoid Innervation
Spinal accessory (Cr 11, C2, C3)
Splenius Cervicis O&I
Origin: Spinous processes of the 3rd through 6th thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: Transverse processes of the first three cervical vertebrae
Splenius Cervicis Action
Both sides: exntaesion of the cervical spine
Each side: rotation to ipsilateral side
Each side: lateral flexion to ipsilateral side
Splenius Cervicis Innervation
Posterior lateral branches of cervical nerves four through eight (C4-C8)
Splenius Capitis O&I
Origin: Lower half of the ligament much and the spinous process of the 7th cervical and upper three or four thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: Mastoid process and occipital bone
Splenius Capitis Action
Both sides: extension of the head and cervical spine
Each Side: rotation to ipsilateral side
Each Side: lateral flexion to ipsilateral side
Splenius Capitis Innervation
Posterior lateral branches of cervical nerves four through eight (C4-C8)
Erector Spinae Iliocostalis O&I
Origin: Medial iliac crest, thoracolumbar aponeurosis from sacrum, posterior ribs 3-12
Insertion:Posterior ribs 1-12, cervical 4-7, transverse processes
Erector Spinae Iliocostalis Action
Extension of the spine
Anterior pelvic rotation
Lateral flexion of the spine
Lateral pelvic rotation to contralateral side
Ipsilateral rotation of the spine and head
Erector Spinae Iliocostalis Innervation
Posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Erector Spinae Longissimus O&I
Origin: Medial iliac crest, thoracolumar aponeurosis from sacrum, lumbar 1-5 transverse processes, and thoracic 1-5 transverse processes, cervical 5-7 articular processes
Insertion: Cervical 2-6 spinous processes, thoracic 1-12 transverse processes, lower 9 ribs, mastoid processes
Erector Spinae Longissimus Action
Extension of the spine and head
Anterior pelvic rotation
Lateral flexion of the spine and head
Lateral pelvic rotation to contralateral side
Ipsilateral rotation of the spine and head
Erector Spinae Longissimus Innervation
Posterior branches of the spinal nerves