Chapter 12: The Origin and Diversification of Life on Earth Flashcards
Homo sapiens is the name of a species. Homo is the name of a genus. Hominidae is the name of a family. Primate is the name of an order. Mammal is the name of a:
- class.
- variety.
- domain.
- phylum.
- kingdom.
Populations of Larus gulls around the North Pole show an unusual pattern of reproductive isolation. Each population is able to interbreed with its neighboring populations, but populations separated by larger geographic distances are not able to interbreed. This type of species complex is known as a:
- ring species.
- circular species.
- peripatric species.
- contiguous species.
- linked species.
ring species
Researchers have found that mixtures of phospholipids placed in water or salt solutions tend to spontaneously form:
- DNA molecules.
- methane.
- prokaryotic organisms.
- small spherical units that resemble living cells.
- RNA molecules.
small spherical units that resemble living cells
__________________ isolating mechanisms include hybrid mortality and hybrid infertility.
- Prezygotic
- Biochemical
- Sympatric
- Postzygotic
- Barrier
Why is it that interspecies hybrids usually don’t survive long after fertilization?
- mRNA codons call for different amino acids in the two different parent species.
- The process of transcribing mRNA is fundamentally different in different species.
- Different species use different monomers as building blocks of proteins.
- The combination of genes from the two different parent species can’t direct proper development of the embryo.
The combination of genes from the two different parent species can’t direct proper development of the embryo
Sequencing DNA from different organisms has been a breakthrough for phylogenetics because:
- we can now build heat-tolerant animals.
- we now have a method to determine the relatedness of living organisms have left few/no fossils.
- it has reduced the impact of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
- we can now recreate genomes from the past.
- All of the above are correct.
we now have a method to determine the relatedness of living organisms have left few/no fossils
The biological species concept:
- is infrequently used because it is inapplicable to many organisms.
- is the best and most accurate species concept.
- states that any organisms that are biologically similar constitute a species.
- defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring.
- states that a species is any group that shares similar DNA
defines a species as any group of actually or potentially interbreeding species that produce viable offspring
Different organisms with an identical specific epithet, such as Drosophila melanogaster and Thamnophis melanogaster, are related to each other at the level of:
- family.
- order.
- genus.
- appearance.
- No particular relationship is implied by the fact that two organisms have identical specific epithets.
No particular relationship is implied by the fact that two organisms have identical specific epithets
Which of the following BEST explains the finding that the nuclear DNA of house cats and African wild cats has a very high degree of similarity?
- Convergent morphological evolution has occurred.
- Convergent molecular evolution has occurred.
- House cats and African wild cats are both members of the family Felidae.
- Divergent morphological evolution has occurred.
- House cats and African wild cats share a recent common ancestor.
House cats and African wild cats share a recent common ancestor
The arrow in the figure represents: (big line/ ancestor timeline goes fish > bird-> human-> rat-> mouse, end of chart. arrow is up vertical and labeled time.)
- the number of common ancestors.
- time.
- evolutionary advancement.
- directions to the “fish” icon.
- the number of evolved characteristics.
To which one of the following is the bat’s wing NOT homologous?
- the lion’s foreleg
- the dragonfly’s wing
- the human’s arm
- the whale’s flipper
- the bird’s wing
the dragonfly’s wing
Look at the phylogenetic tree below. According to the diagram, which of the statements that follows is FALSE?
(ancestor chart again, goes big line rayfinned fish-> lung fish-> branch of salamanders and frogs-> turtles-> branch of lizards and snakes-> branch of crocodiles and birds-> mammals)
- Lizards and snakes diverged from each other later than the crocodiles and birds diverged from each other.
- Turtles and mammals have an earlier common ancestor than do lungfish and mammals.
- Crocodiles are more closely related to birds than they are to lizards.
- All the animals depicted on the tree arose from a common ancestor.
Turtles and mammals have an earlier common ancestor than do lungfish and mammals
The difference between macroevolution and microevolution is that:
- they take place on different time scales.
- microevolution has been proven, whereas macroevolution is very speculative.
- microevolution involves changes to individuals within a population, whereas macroevolution involves changes to all of the individuals within a population.
- microevolution occurs in prokaryotes, whereas macroevolution takes place among eukaryotes.
- macroevolution occurs with physical structures, whereas microevolution occurs with physiological traits.
they take place on different time scales
Which of the following groups would be placed nearest the fungi in a phylogenetic tree based on DNA sequences?
- gymnosperms
- cyanobacteria
- animals
- green algae
- amoeba
All mammals have hair because they inherited that trait from a common ancestor. Features that are inherited from a common ancestor are called:
- monophyletic traits.
- convergent features.
- independent traits.
- analogous traits.
- homologous features.
homologous features
At the time life first appeared on earth, the atmosphere contained large amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and:
- neon.
- nitrogen.
- ozone.
- helium.
- oxygen.
What is the name of the hypothesis which states that most species arise during relatively short periods of rapid evolutionary change, and that these relatively short periods are followed by much longer periods of very little evolutionary change?
- genetic divergence
- gradualism
- punctuated equilibrium
- adaptive radiation
punctuated equilibrium
Turkeys , pumpkins, mushrooms and humans all belong to the same Domain. Which Domain is this?
- Eukarya
- Animalia
- Archaea
- Vertebrata
Ostriches and emus are flightless bird that belong to the Order Struthioniformes. Emus and cassowaries (also flightless birds) belong to the Family Cassuariidae. Based on this information, which of the following is true about the evolutionary relationships among these birds?
- Ostriches and emus are more closely related to each other than they are to cassowaries.
- Emus and cassowaries are more closely related to each other than are ostriches and cassowaries.
- Ostriches, emus and cassowaries are equally closely related to each other.
- Ostriches and emus are more closely related to each other than are emus and cassowaries.
Emus and cassowaries are more closely related to each other than are ostriches and cassowaries
Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
- A bird’s eye is analogous to a whale’s eye.
- Natural selection plays only a small role in the process of adaptive radiation.
- Adaptive radiation is a special case of divergent evolution.
- A bat’s wing is homologous to a moth’s wing.
- Convergent evolution results in unrelated organisms developing very dissimilar traits.
Adaptive radiation is a special case of divergent evolution