Chapter 12 Structural Systems Flashcards
What are the 5 basic cast in place concrete structural systems?
Beam-and-grinder: slab is supported by intermediate beams which are supported by larger grinders
One-way pan joists: concrete members spaced 24” - 36” apart running in same direction and framed into larger beams
Flat plate: floor slab designed and reinforced to transfer load directly to the columns
Flat slab: similar to flat plate except that drop panels are used to increase strength
Waffle slab: can support heavier loads at longer spans
What are the two primary concrete structural systems?
Cast-in-place concrete:concrete is poured into forms where it hardens before forms are removed.
Precast concrete: components are formed in a plant and shipped to the job site, where they are set in place and connected to the structure
What type of buildings are open-web steel joist systems found?
One story buildings or low rise buildings with side column spacing
What advantage does open web steel joist system have over a beam and grinder system?
Since beam and grinder systems usually have limited space between bottom of grinder and suspended ceiling, adding new mechanical can be difficult, but a open web joist system have open webs which can run mechanical through them.
What are the two most common steel structural systems?
Beam-and-grinder system: grinders span between columns, and smaller beams are framed into them - The grinders span shorter distances because they carry the weight of the beams (8-10ft), the beams span longer (25-40ft)
open-web steel joist system: joist span between beams or bearing walls 2-6ft on centre , depths of joist range between 8” -72”
Study Structural Systems 13-4
What are the three major building load types?
Gravity: live loads and dead loads
Lateral loads: wind loads and earthquake loads
Dynamic loads: when a force is applied suddenly, such as cars moving in parking garage or helicopter landing on a roof
What is the difference between live loads and dead loads
Live loads are the weight of items occupying a structure like people and furniture
Dead loads are the weight of the structure itself and any permanent equipment
What masonry material is most commonly used in load bearing walls?
Concrete block - manufactured with cement, water, and various types of aggregate, also referred to as concrete masonry units (CMUs)
What is a slip joint?
‘Slip joints are added to partitions that are attached to the structural system to allow the building to move slightly without putting pressure on the partitions
What are the 4 types of metals decking?
Flat ribbed typical metal decking
Cellular normal metal decking that has a flat piece of steel welded to the bottom of the panel, typically for acoustical floors
Long span have a deep profile for greater strength and thus allow for larger support spacing
Composite - strong but lightweight metal floor deck. It is designed to provide extra strength for flooring systems without adding extra weight.
Residential Contruction wall
2”x4” 16 OC
How is an opening for doors and windows framed?
Header /lintel at top of the opening which acts as a beam to carry the load,
double studs are framed on each side of the opening
Study Figure 12.11
Platform framing
Wood studs one stroy high are placed on a sole plate at the bottom and spanned with a double top plate at the ceiling level
Laminated vener lumber
used primarily for headers over large openeings
What is a cricket and when is it used on a roof?
Cricket is a saddle shaped projection on a sloping roof used to divert water around an obstacle, like a chimney
What are the 4 common types of roof shapes
Shed, gable, hip, gambrel
What is a wide flange beam ?
Structural beam of steel which cross section resembles letter H , it is wider than an I beam
What is a trimmer
A wood member used to support a header in a floor or roof opening
What is a sole plate
A horizontal wood member that serves as the base for studs in a partition
What is sheathing?
Plywood or particle board covering placed over an exterior studding or rafters of a building that provides strength and a base for cladding
What is decking
Light - gauge sheets of metal that are ribbed for use in constructing a floor or roof
How is the pitch of a roof calculated?
The pitch is the rise of the slope after a 12” run. I.e a roof with a pitch of 5/12 has a rise of 5” vertically for every 12” of horizontal projection
Cripple Stud
A stud above a door opening or below a windowsill
A horizontal structural member over an opening that carries the weight of the wall above it
Timber laid horizontally
Study Structural Symbols