Chapter 12-Roman Civilization Flashcards
What was the capital of the Roman empire?
Who lived in Rome?
Wealthy nobles, artisian’s, shopkeepers, and enslaved people
What was important in the Roman culture?
The Roman family
What was the father’s role in the Roman family?
The father was head of the family.
How were women treated in the Roman empire?
Women had few rides and we’re not full citizens.
What increased as Rome conquered more territories?
Enslaved people
What did enslaved people do in the Roman Empire?
Enslaved people worked in homes, on farms, and helped build bridges and roads throughout the empire.
What did Romans adapted from Greek ideas?
Ideas about religion, science, architecture, art, literature, and theater.
What was the Roman language?
What serves as the basis for many European languages?
Why did the power of Rome decline during the 200 A.D.’s?
The power of Rome declined because of a weakened government, a failing economy, and invasions by Germanic groups.
Who are two emperors who tried to reform the empire?
Diocletian and Constantine
What did Emperor Constantine do to try to reform the empire?
Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the empire to the city of Byzantium. The city was renamed Constantinople.
Where is Constantinople located today?
Istanbul, Turkey
Which emperor divided the Empire into two empires?
Emperor Theodosius
What were the two empires called and what were the names of their capitals?
The Western Roman empire, it’s capital was Rome. And the eastern Roman empire, it’s capital was Constantinople.
Over several hundred years who gained control of most of the western empire?
German invaders – the Vandals and the Visigoths.
Rome had a lasting impact on what?
The modern world
Even today Rome influences what?
Law, government, art, architecture, language, and religion.
The eastern half of the Roman empire became known as what?
The Byzantine Empire
What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?
Where was Constantinople located and what did the city become?
Constantinople is located on the penninsula that connected Europe with Asia. The city became a busy trading center.
When Constantinople was first established who was it heavily influenced by?
The Western Roman empire
Over time, Constantinople became more influenced by who?
The Greeks
Who ruled the Byzantine empire at the height of its power?
Emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora
What are three things Emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora did during their rule?
They organized the military, simplified the laws, and supported the arts.
Who is a person who fought people or animals for public entertainment?
What is a curved ceiling made of arches called?
A vault
What is a curved part of a structure that serves as a support?
An arch
What is a verse or prose that pokes fun at human weakness?
What is a lyric poem that expresses strong emotions about life?
What are changes to bring about improvement called
What are images created by an arrangement of colored glass or stone called