Chapter 12 - RBC disorders Flashcards
Where do I have EMH and so head-on-appearance and HSM?
- β thal major
2. SCD (severe)
Where do I have increased RDW?
- Iron deficiency
- β thal major
- HS
Sideroblastic anemia is present in ~ …% of chronic alcoholics
- Alcoholism is the MCC of sideroblastic anemia
Which enzymes does lead denaturate?
- Ferrochelatase
- Ribonuclease
Which is the MC anemia in alcoholism?
2 conditions where RBC osmotic fragility is increased
- HS
2. Hereditary Elliptocytosis
In sickle cell anemia, normal Glutamic Acid is hydroph… and Valine, which replaces it, is hydroph…
Glu: hydrophilic
Val: hydrophobic
People with Sickle Cell Trait do not normally have anemia. HbS
Peritubular capillaries in renal medulla. There the O2 tension is normally low enough to induce sickling in not only disease but also in trait.
Microinfarctions are induced leading to microhematuria. (*always order a sickle cell screen in any black person with unexplained hematuria)
Renal papillary necrosis may occur-> resulting in loss of concentration and dilution of urine.
MC hemoglobinopathy in AFRICANS (highest prevalence : 30-40%, in sub-Saharan Africa)
In SCD, what kind of hemolysis do we have?
Both extravascular (dominant) and intravascular
At which position of the β-globin chain does the missense point mutation occur?
Percent of SC trait in black population
3 factors that increase the concentration of deoxyHb and increase the risk for sickling
- Acidosis
- Volume depletion/dehydration
- Hypoxemia
Which drug increases the synthesis of HbF and so is used therapeutically for SCD?
MCC of death in SCD young adults
Acute chest syndrome
MCC of death in SCD children
Infection with encapsulated organisms (eg. S.pneumoniae sepsis) due to dysfunctional spleen due to autosplenectomy
The people with SCD have increased risk for osteomyelitis. The MCC of osteomyelitis -in general- is S. aureus. But in this situation is …
Salmonella paratyphi
A common cause of stroke in children 2-5y is…
SCD. 70%recurrence rate
What kinds of cells do we have in a blood smear of a patient with SCD (HbSS)?
- Sickle cells
- Target cells
- Nucleated RBCs
- Howell-Jolly bodies
Anemia with predominantly IV hemolysis but also mild to moderate component of extravascular hemolysis as well
G6PD def
Clinical presentation of G6PD def and why
Sudden onset of back pain with hemoglobinuria 2-3 days after an oxidant stress. That is why Hb is nephrotoxic.
Also jaundice may be present.
Which anemia is present at birth with jaundice and splenomegaly?
PK def
PK def produces IV or EV hemolysis?
Which anemia is related to syphilis?
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria has IV or EV hemolysis?
Anemias associated with Reynaud phenomenon?
2. AIHA (cold types)
Which Plasmodium is the MCC of malaria worldwide?
P. vivax!
Which is the most lethal plasmodium?
Which plasmodium is associated with nephrotic s?