Chapter 12 - Political Culture Flashcards
Define political culture
The sum of individual values and norms regarding politics and the political system, or the culture of a group which gives shared meaning to political action.
What are Daniel Elzar’s three types of political culture
Individualistic Culture - Views politics as a market place for own interests
Moralistic Culture - Views government as a public servie
Traditionalistic Culture - Is primarily interested in preserving the status quo, defined as one where the elites have power.
Define Civic Culture
a moderate political culture in which most people accept the obligation to participate in politics while still acknowledging the authority of the state and its right to take decisions.
Define Political trust
The belief that rulers are generally well intentioned and effective in serving the interest of the governed.
What is social capital?
The collective value of social networks, derived from communication, help and support among the members of these networks.
What is an elite political culture?
The values and norms regarding politics and the political system held by those closest to the centers of political power, including elected officials, bureaucrats, and business leaders
What is post-materialism?
A set of values emphasizing self-expression and the quality of life over materialist values such as economic growth and physical security. They include a commitment to self-expression, human diversity, individual liberty, and autonomy.
What counts as a political generation?
An age cohort sharing distinctive experiences and values which shape its perspective through its life course. Generational turnover can gradually transform a political culture without individuals changing their view.
What is the main idea in Huntingtons “Clash of Civilizations”
The idea that it is no longer a battle between ideologies but between cultures in the 21st century.