Chapter 12 Fisheries Conservation Flashcards
Fish that begin their life in freshwater, travel to and mature in the sea, and return to their native stream to reproduce and die. i.e. pacific salmon.
Andronomous fish
Captured marine organisms that are not the target species. (Tuna fishers accidentally netting a dolphin)
the bycatch that are thrown back for non target fish, endangered, juvenile, wrong size, inferior quality, or surplus to quotas
live their entire life in freshwater sometimes confined to a lake tributary or stream
resident fish
temperature water depth and velocity turbidity dissolved oxygen salinity substrate cover food
habitat requirements for fish
cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by large numbers of individual particles that are generally invisible to the naked eye,
the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the surface or medium on which an organism grows or is attached.
storms soil mass animal activities natural barriers vegetation predation winterkill
natural limitations for fish
pollution temperature predation dams resource extraction channelization
human interference for fish
fishery technique where gears are left in place for a period before retrieval. They may either attract fish using bait, or may passively wait for a fish to swim into a net or trap. Gill nets, longlines, traps and pots.
passive fisheries
fishery technique where mobile gears are moved in order to catch fish by trapping or encirclement.
These gears can be divided into those which are towed along the seabed
active fisheries
is the amount of fish harvested that: (a) will provide the greatest overall benefit to the national economy, particularly with respect to … (b) is prescribed as such on the basis of the maximum sustainable yield from the fishery
optimum yield
to fish (an area) excessively; to exhaust the supply of usable fish in (certain waters
captive breeding stocking translocation removal oxygen control catch and release seasons limits
inland fisheries sustainability
harvest taxes
quota system
marine protection areas
ocean fishing sustainability
the cultivation of aquatic animals and plants, especially fish, shellfish, and seaweed, in natural or controlled marine or freshwater environments; underwater agriculture.