Chapter 12 exam 3 Flashcards
Which side to move toward in chair to plinth transfers
toward stronger side.
Sequence for moving from chair to plinth
- stands from locked wheelchair - clinician guarding at hip and shoulder.
- pt steps with stronger leg , onto step stool, holding onto plinth for stability
- pt brings the weaker leg up to stool and piviots to sit on plinth, while clinician continues to guard
- pt scoots back into secure postion on plinth.
Transferring from plinth to chair with assistance
- position chair as if stand pivot transfer. pt sits on edge of plinth, guarded, and step stool beneath the pt’s feet.
- pt places both feet down onto the stool and then steps to the floor, leading with the weaker foot.
- pt pivots until backs of thighs contact the front edge of the chair. clinican may need to carefully nudge step stool out of way with one foot, if it is in the way.
- pt sits down in the chair, with repositioning as needed.
- The legrests are replaced and footplates lowered to ensure safe transportation.
Preparing pt
eplain procedure, answer questions, and provide reassurance as needed. AMAP.ANAP
Preparing the environment
- position wheelchair with casters forward
- apply wheelocks
- remove legrests and the armrest on the side the patient will be moving toward.
Preforming the task
clinician in front of patient who can see the pt’s face calls the transfer as they can more readily see the pt’s face. clinician supporting legs.
Dependent Transfer from chair to floor - two persion pt lift.
- Clinicion in ready position - armrest and legs removed. - clinician in front supporting pt’s legs and facing direction of transfer. Clinician behind pt is straddling the drive wheel, arms reaching around the pt’s upper body.
- clinician “locks” the pt’s forearms by crossing his hands over the pt’s crossed arms.
- on 3 count - both clinicians lift the pt up and move toward the mat.
- maintaining good body mechanics, the clinicians lower the pt to the mat.
Dependent floor to chair transfer with two clinicians
- Clinicians in ready position. chair locked with armrest up foot plates off. Both clinicians are in deep squat. front clinician faces direction of travel, supporting legs. clinician behind reaches around pt’s upper body with forearms crossed.
- on count of 3 both clinicians rise lifting the pt in unison.
- The clinicians carry the pt toward the chair, clearing the drive wheel.
- above wheelchair seat, the clinicians lower the pt to the wheelchair before replacing the armrest and legrests.
Independent transfer from Chair to floor with UE and LE mobility
- pt scoots to the front of the seat, turning slightly, and moves one foot forward.
- pt reaches toward the floorwith one hand while bringing the contralateral knee to the ground.
- the pt lowers hips to side sitting
Indepedent transfer from floor to chair with UE and LE mobility
- pt begins in side sitting and comes to a quadruped position facing the chair
- pt brings one knee forward into half kneeling while reaching to the arm of the chair with the ipsilateral arm.
- Rising (coming to full standing) and turning her back to the char the pt reaches back with the other arm
- pt sits with hips fully back in chair.
independent chair to floor
Does the pt have limited LE ROM - yes
Consider long sitting or turnaround into quadruped
independent chair to floor
Does the pt have limited LE ROM - no
Does the pt have limited UE ROM - Yes
Consider quadruped facing the chair
independent chair to floor
Does the pt have limited LE ROM - no
Does the pt have limited UE ROM - no
Does the pt have limited UE strength - yes
Consider long sitting with a step stool
Independent transfer from Wheelchair to Floor with limited LE use, Lateral Pivot into side sitting
- Grasp the wheelchair frame with the trailing hand and position the feet to the trailing side. Slide the leading hand down the leg and place the hand on the floor.
- Maintaining a forward trunk lean and using both UEs for support, pivot the hips off the seat
- Lower the hips to the floor and adjust the sitting position as needed.
Independent transfer from floor to wheelchair using a lateral sitting pivot, and limited LE use.
- Bring the front of the chair beside the body with thte hips next to the footplate and lock the chair. Grasp the wheelchair frame with the leading hand.
- breing the feet close to the buttocks and pin the knees with the chin
- place the trailing hand, in a fist, beside the hips. While maintaining a forward trunk lean, push down with both arms and swing the hips up onto the seat of the char
- Adjust upright sitting position and reposition the feet on the footplate.