Chapter 12 Creative Thinking and Problem solving Flashcards
1st advantage in the workplace
- Creativity is key to staying ahead of others.
2nd advantage in the workplace
- Complex businesses problems may be solved.
3 advantage in the workplace
Leads to increased productivity of the entire businesses.
Problem Solving
Process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. Effective problem solving results in good decision making
Fundamental part of the role of every manager is finding ways to solve problems ( 1 )
Employees can come up with creative strategies for problems.
Fundamental part of the role of every manager is finding ways to solve problems ( 2 )
Goods and services can be marketed in creative ways.
Fundamental part of the role of every manager is finding ways to solve problems ( 3 )
Public relations can design and implement creative strategies.
Decision making
( Differences ) 1
Process of choosing from several alternatives.
Decision making
( Differences ) 2
Decisions are usually made by one person
Problem solving
( Differences ) 1
Process of finding a solution to a problem
Problem solving
( Differences ) 2
Usually involves a group / team
Problem solving techiniques
- Force field analysis
- Mind mapping
- Empty chair technique
- Brain storming
- Forced combinations
- Nominal Group techniques
Forced Field analysis
Used to compare the driving and restraining forces to create an informed decision
- Application of the force field technique
- Describe the current problem and desired solution.
- Application of the force field technique
Choose the force with the highest score as the solution
- Application of the force field technique
If project is viable , find ways to increase the forces for change
Empty Chair technique
Role playing exercise that places a person from across the room.
1.Application of the empty chair technique
Sit across an empty chair
- .Application of the empty chair technique
Imagine someone sitting in a chair
- .Application of the empty chair technique
Explain the problem to an imaginary person
- .Application of the empty chair technique
Describe the position / response of the imaginary person
- .Application of the empty chair technique
This helps understanding a diff point of view
Delphi technique
Method that relies on a panel of experts to find solutions to a problem . This technique uses a series of questionaries to obtain feed - back from experts.
1.Application of the Delphi technique
Business must invite a panel of experts to solve a complex problem.
- Application of the Delphi technique
Experts do not have to be in one place and will be contacted individually.
- Application of the Delphi technique
Summaries the responses from experts in a feedback report
Nominal Group Technique
Requests each employee to silently brainstorm and generate many ideas on their own and write it down.
- Application of the Nominal Group Technique
Problems should be clearly defined to the groups.
- Application of the Nominal Group Technique
Duplicated ideas are then eliminated
- Application of the Nominal Group Technique
Ratings are captured and points are totaled.
- Application of Mind mapping
Add keywords to branched - off key concepts.
- Application of Mind mapping
Branches may be colour coded
- Application of Mind mapping
Images may be included
Brain storming
Group activity to find a solution 4 a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously.
Mind Mapping
Diagrams that represent ideas connected to a central theme. Help individuals to think , collect knowledge , remember and create ideas.
- Application of Mind mapping
Create a central idea or theme.
Forced combinations
Technique involving the practice of combing a series of random words that do not appear to be related in any way
1.Application of forced combinations
Participants must write down words and place them into a box.
2.Application of forced combinations
Random words selected from the box
- Application of forced combinations
Allow the group to brainstorm w/o any judgement
acronym that helps teams explore ideas from 7 diff perspectives . Method that helps generate diverse ideas 4 products and services
Application of SCAMPER
Keep in mind the principle of force fitting if no response is fourth coming to the SCAMPER prompt , then force a response.
Replace a part of ur product , service or process with another.
Combine ideas , processes or products
Adapt at a new existing ides that might not have worket b4
Modify an aspect or ur situation or problem
Put use to another
Put current processes or products that were intended 4 a specific purpose to another use.
Identify the most important parts
Reverse the orientation or direct ion of process or product