Chapter 12: Appendicular muscles Flashcards
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Latissimus Dorsi
O - Spinous processes (T7-L5), ribs (8-12), iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
I - intertubercular sulcus on humerus
A - extension of humerus (bringing arm down), adduction, medial rotation
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Trapezius muscle?
O - nuchal lines, external occipital protuberance, spinous process of vert.
I - acromial end of clavicle, spine of scapula
A - elevation, depression
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Deltoid muscle
O - acromial end of clavicle and scapluar spine
I - deltoid tuberosity
A - flexion of humerus (raising arm forward), medial or internal rotation, abduction (raise arm outward) extension, hyperextension, lateral/external rotation
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the pectoralis major?
O - medial aspect of clavicle, costal cartilages of ribs (2-6), body of sternum
I - near intertubercular sulcus
A - medial rotation, bringing arm down(adduction), raising arm infront (flexion), horizontal adduction
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Biceps brachii?
O - Long head : supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
short head : coracoid process of scapula
I -radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeruosis
A - flexes forearm
longhead flexes arm
What muscles make up the Iliopsoas muscle group?
Psoas major
What muscles make up the adductors muscle group?
Pectineus adductor longus adductor brevis adductor magnus gracilis
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Iliacus muscle
O - os coxae Iliac fossa
I - lesser trochanter of femur
A - flexes thigh (femur)
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Psoas major muscle?
O - Transverse processes and bodies of T12-L5 vert.
I - Lesser trochanter of femur
A - flexes thigh (femur)
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Gluteus maximus ?
O - ilium (iliac crest), sacrum, coccyx
I - iliotibial tract of fascia lata, linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity of femur
A - extends thigh (femur) bring leg back down from raised position, laterally rotates thigh
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Rectus Femoris ?
O - Anterior inferior iliac spine
I - quadriceps tendon to patella, patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity
A - Flexes leg/thigh up (bringing knee up) (extend lower leg forward)
What muscles make up the quadriceps femoris group?
rectus femoris
vastus lateralis
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius
what muscles make up the hamstring group?
biceps femoris (short and long)
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Tibialis Anterior?
O - Lateral condyle and proximal shaft of tibia, interosseous membrane
I - Metatarsal 1 and first (medial) cuneiform
A - Dorsiflexes foot, inverts foot
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the Gastrocnemius?
O - superior posterior surfaces of lateral condyle (lateral head) and medial condyles of femur (medial head)
I - calcaneus
A - flexes leg (butt kickers), plantar flexes foot (standing on tip-toes)