Chapter 12 Flashcards
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
- assessment of 15yo reading, math, science performance, done every 3yrs
- 2012- US scores were below the mean in math and science
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- nation’s report card
- nat’l assessments grade 4,8,12 in reading, math, science, arts, writing, history, economics, civics, geography
- state samples of 4,8,12 in reading, math, science, writing
- 10,000 students per subject per area
norm-referenced assessments
• teachers rank students in terms of their achievement
criterion-referenced assessments
- do not indicate what is average or typical for students from same age group/grade
- example: students ability to calculate the square root of a number to write a paragraph, or type.
- assessment made w/ reference to an instructional objective rather than comparing with others
formative evaluation
- measure to make decisions about teaching
* use results to decide what activities are appropriate, probe to understand their understanding of the subject
summative evaluation
- use grades at end of a unit, semester, or year to decide if students are ready to proceed.
- provide teacher with overview of student learning across broad range of knowledge and skills
alternate assessments
- directly measure student performance through ‘real-life tasks’
- designed to measure performance of students who are unable to participate in traditional large-scale assessments.
- Result of 1997 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Purpose is to provide info. on how well a school, district, or state is doing in terms of enhancing performance of ALL students.
- It s neither a traditional large-scale or individual diagnostic assessment
project-based learning (PBL)
- way to engage students, cut absenteeism, boost cooperative learning skills, improve test scores
- students work in teams to explore real world problems & create presentations
- students benefits: deeper knowledge of subject matter, increased self-direction and motivation, improved research & problem-solving skills
holistic rubric
• requires teacher to score the overall process as a whole without judging the component parts separately
analytic rubric
• requires teacher to score separate, individual parts of the product according to prespecified criteria, then add the individual scores to obtain total score