Chapter 12 Flashcards
Closed Primary
primary elections in which only registered party members may vote
Open Primary
primary elections in which eligible voters do not need to register as a party member
a trend among voters to identify themselves as independents rather than members of major parties
Nominating convention
formal party gathering to choose a party’s candidates to run for office
Party activists
the “party faithful”; the rank-and-file members who actually carry out the party’s electioneering efforts.
Party bosses
party leaders, usually in an urban district, who exercised tight control over electioneering and patronage
Party eras
extended periods of relative political stability in which one party tends to control both the presidency and Congress
members of the party who have been elected to serve in government
Party machines
mass-based party systems in which parties provided services and resources to voters in exchange for voters
Party platform
a list of policy positions a party endorses and pledges
Political gridlock
the stalemate that occurs when political rivals refuse to budge from their positions to achieve compromise
a substantial and long-term shift in party allegiance by individuals and groups, usually resulting in a change in policy direction
Critical election
an election signaling a significant change in popular allegiance from one party to another
the process of getting a person elected to public office
to a political cause or party
Party base
members of a political party who consistently vote for a particular party’s candidates
Party discipline
the ability of party leaders to bring party members in the legislature into line with the party program
Party identification
voter affiliation with a political party
ordinary citizens who identify with the party
system in which successful party candidates reward supporters with jobs or favors
Political party
a group of individuals united by ideology and seeking control of government in order to promote their ideas and policies
Soft money
unregulated campaign contributions by individuals, groups, or parties that promote general election activities but do not directly support individual candidatews
Party organization
the official structure that conducts the political business of parties